  • 期刊


The Immunohistochemical Studies in Cerebellum on Various Causes of Death




小腦 普金吉氏細胞 死因 GFAP S-100 NSE


The cerebellum is a critical human organ. The biological change in damaged neurons of the brain had been extensively researched, but few studies have examined histological and biological expression cerebellar variants in relation to death. Presently, 43 forensic autopsies were performed from the Prosecutor's Office of Chang-Hua and Nantou in Taiwan between January and July, 2006. Causes of death were due to malfunction of the brain (n=7), heart (n=22), and lung (n=14). Hematoxylin-Eosin staining was used to study Purkinje cell morphology and quantity, and the expression of three biomarkers (GFAP, S-100 and NSE) among all the causes of death. There was no difference in Purkinje cell size, number, and cytoplasm color. Immunohistochemical staining revealed GFAP expression in two cases of lung-related death, despitethe rarity of the biomarker in Purkinje cell. NSE immune reaction was strong but unstable in the cerebellar cortex granular and molecular layers from heart-related deaths indicating less brain damage in heart related death than in brain or lung related death.


Cerebellum Purkinje cell Death cause GFAP S-100 NSE


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