  • 期刊


The Impact of Orientation Programs on Freshmen Students' Campus Experiences


本研究旨在探究定向輔導對新生校園經驗之影響。採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣,選擇北部某科技大學新生共1,218人為研究對象,以「新生校園經驗量表」為施測工具,研究結果顯示:一、技職校院不同學制新生參與定向輔導後,在「學術投入」(F=8.124, p=.000)、「校園活動融入」(F=7.622, p=.000)、「校園支持環境」(F=9.294, p=.000)及「學校認同」(F=36.383, p=.000)的構面皆有顯著差異,且不同學制新生在「校園活動融入」的得分均最低;二、不同學制、入學方式、性別以及是否參與校內工讀,均會影響新生之校園經驗;三、新生定向輔導參與度與「學術投入」、「人際投入」、「校園活動融入」、「校園支持環境」及「校園認同」之校園經驗有顯著正相關;四、新生對於「社團滿福堡」和「服務學習樂活Bar」的參與程度,可顯著預測其校園活動融入經驗,兩變項加總可以解釋10.2%之變異量。本研究結果可提供技職校院新生定向輔導之重要參考。


The aim of this cross-section study is to explore how Orientation Programs affect freshmen students' campus experiences. The purposive sampling consists of 1,218 freshmen from a university of Science and Technology in northern Taiwan. In this study, a questionnaire on freshmen students' experiences was used. The results are as followed: 1. After Orientation Programs, there are significant differences on four dimensions of students' campus experiences, including "academic involvement" (F = 8.124, p = .000), "campus activity engagement" (F = 7.622, p = .000), "campus supporting environment" (F = 9.294, p = .000) and "campus activity engagement" (F = 36.383, p = .000). Among all, "campus activity engagement" remains the lowest scoring experience. 2. The educational system, entrance ways, gender and campus working experience: all are the factors affecting freshmen students' campus experiences. 3. The effects on the degree of participating in an orientation program has significantly positive relationships with "academic involvement," "social involvement," "campus activity engagement," "campus supporting environment" and "school identification" among freshmen. 4. The effects on the degree of participating in an orientation program, practically in "extra-curricular actives" and "happiness bar of service-learning," significantly predict and explain total of 10.2% variance of "campus activity engagement." The results of the study provide suggestions for the improvement of future implementations of freshman orientations for Colleges of Science and Technology.


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