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液態新聞:新一代記者與當前媒介境況-以Zygmunt Bauman「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎

Liquid Journalism and a New Generation of Reporters in Taiwan: A Narrative Approach Based on Zygmunt Bauman's Theory of Liquid Modernity


本研究以社會學家Zygmunt Bauman的「液態現代性」概念為理論基礎,討論新聞工作本質在社會「液化」過程中有何轉變,並探究當前未曾經歷台灣新聞產業蓬勃卻在初入行時旋即面臨新聞價值、專業與勞動條件不穩定的新一代記者如何看待新聞工作及其自身角色。 研究結果發現,液態現代性社會中的速度競賽、勞資分離、消費者社會及追求輕盈流動與彈性靈活等特質皆正改變新一代記者與新聞工作、媒體組織及閱聽人/消費者間之關係。而新一代記者對自身角色之理解一方面深受媒體組織內工作形態與工作穩定性影響,另方面亦反映其面對困境猶能積極工作的心境。


Based on sociologist Zygmunt Bauman's theory of liquid modernity, this article describes, via narrative inquiries, how the new generation of reporters in Taiwan considers their journalist work and their role in today's media industry. For many years, Bauman has proposed that society has already transformed from the condition of solid, heavy modernity to a liquid, light one, bringing in drastic changes of the relationship between time and space, capitalists and labor. Furthermore he claims that society has moved away from being producer-oriented, and towards emphasizing the consumer, while there has also been a change in ethos from ”knowledge is power” to ”speed is power.” In terms of Bauman's theory, this article found that the nature of the journalism profession in Taiwan has changed as society has transformed the condition of liquid modernity, altering broadly how the new generation of reporters treats the value of their work and their role as journalist.


