  • 期刊


Teaching Legal Chinese for Second Language Learners: Analysis of Orientation, Quality and Direction


「法律華語」為「專業華語」的分支學科之一,性質屬於「特定目的之外語教學」(Languages for Specific Purposes),兼跨二語教學與法律專業之雙重領域,在學術研究與教學應用上皆尚有極大的發展空間。本文先就英美針對國際學生設計的法律英語課程及相關研究進行考察,再以國際專業外語教學的理論為基礎,針對海峽兩岸出版的法律華語教科書,以及商務華語教科書中涉及法律概念、法律實務,與法律文化的教材進行分析,以期呈顯法律華語教學的學科性質、定位和特徵,進而提供未來專業法律華語的教學及研究參考。


Legal Chinese is one of the courses of Chinese for Specific Purposes, which involves the two disciplines of teaching Chinese as a second language and legal education. Compared to legal English studies, the field of teaching legal Chinese still has much more to be explored. This paper first looks into relevant studies and theories of teaching legal English for international students; then based on the theories of teaching foreign language for specific purposes, the paper discusses the course materials of legal Chinese, including legal Chinese textbooks, as well as chapters involves legal knowledge in business Chinese textbooks. By clarifying the nature and characteristics of the emerging field of legal Chinese teaching, this pilot study hopes to provide useful references for future research and teaching of legal Chinese for second language learners.
