  • 期刊


A Study of the Current Situation of Classics-Reading Education in Taiwan and China




兩岸 小學 讀經教育


With opening on the cross-strait politics gradually and becoming the cross-strait cultural and educational exchanges more frequently, the classics-reading education certainly become the common, important and concerned issues within the cultural and educational promotion in Taiwan and China. The participants of this study are principals, directors, teachers, and volunteers. The reliability of the developed Classics-reading Education Inventory is .97 through exploratory factor analysis, so that the inventory is with a good internal reliability and good construct reliability. The pilot sample (N=161) contains 84 participants of Taiwan and 77 participants of China. The formal sample (N=300) contains 156 participants of Taiwan and 144 participants of China. The study finds that there is a significant difference among perceived curriculum, operational curriculum, learning effect, classroom management effect, classics-reading education promotion in Taiwan and China individually. Finally, this study suggests encouraging the diversification of the classics-reading teachings, integrating the technological and cultural innovation into the classics-reading teachings, promoting the classics-reading study of the teachers, setting up classics-reading teaching resource center, establishing classics-reading teachers' community, relaxing the restrictions on the cross-strait cultural and educational exchanges, giving fund and so on. So, it can contribute the classics-reading policy guidelines in Taiwan and China.


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