  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Payment of Anti-Alzheimer Drugs by National Health Insurance in Taiwan




In Taiwan, the National Health Insurance pays over 15 billion for dementia and related conditions annually. Alzheimer disease is the most common type of dementia, and its therapeutic agents are belonged to the high-expensive class of medications. Since these anti-dementia drugs could only delay or stabilize dementia, but not cure, so a strict and careful review of their payment basing on the budget of health insurance and medical outcome is necessary in order not to edge out other items. Currently, physician should firstly apply for permission from National health Insurance Bureau to pay for anti-dementia agents for Alzheimer disease, and the application, that should fulfill the inclusive and exclusive criteria of the regulations, is reviewed by examiners who are also neurologists come from different medical centers. Regulations are also stipulated for continuous and drug-change application. However, argument continuously occurs and is blamed for ambiguous standard for exclusive criteria, a wide gap of Minimental State Examination, and impracticable of drug-change regulation. We suggest that applicant should clearly record the method and type of inclusions and reviewer should understand the aim of inclusive criteria. Using Clinical Dementia Rating instead of Minimental State Examination can fill in the gap when the latter falls over the regulation demanded. Also, conditional drug-change can be tried. The regulation for drug-change due to side effect should also open for time and type of drugs. Among government budget, medical resource and health, physician should avoid abuse of medical knowledge, resource and to edge out others.


