  • 期刊


The Study of Curriculum Division in Health and Physical Education Learning Area (HPELA)


教育部於民國87年進行國民教育階段「九年一貫課程」之改革,其改革的重心以學生為主體,以生活經驗為重心,站以培養現代國民所需之基本能力,並打破過去學科導向,採統整(integration)及協同教學(team teaching)之教學型態,進行學習領域之教學,而「健康與體育學習領域」之結合,皆在培養健全之國民,以因應時代之需求,應可有效地解決國民中學、國民小學體適能低落的問題;美國健康與人類服務部門(United State of Health and Human Service;USHHS)曾指出造成體適能低落的原因大致有,缺乏運動、體育課時數減少、活動內容減少及飲食不良等問題,其中體育課時數的多寡,也是「健康與體育學習領域」的問題之一,「健康教育」與「體育課」之時數,應如何合理的被分配?因此,本研究透過內容分析(content analysis)的方式,去瞭解國民中、小學學生之體適能現況?並探討「健康與體育學習領域」之學習節數是否合理?研究結果指出:一、國民小學至大專學生體適能水準普通低落,不及美國、日本、新加坡及中國大陸等國,其造成體適能低落的可能原因有:(一)生活形態的改變。(二)教育當局及家長忽略體育的重要性。(三)體育課淪落為次級課程。(四)體育課時數的減少。二、「健康與體育」學習領域學習節數佔領域節數之10-15%,國小一、二年級體育課為1.455-2.182節,健康教育課為0.545-0.818節;三、四年級體育課為1.819-2.728節,健康教育課為0.681-1.022節;五、六年級體育課為1.964-2.946節,健康教育課為0.736-1.104節;七、八年級體育課為2.1-3.075節,健康教育課為0.7-1.025節,九年級體育課為2.25-3.375節,健康教育課為0.75-1.125節,僅有七、八、九年級之體育課有可能超過3節以上。因此,建議教育當局提昇「健康與體育」學習領域之體育課時數至每週3節課以上,藉以提昇學生體適能之水準。


The purpose of this study were to understand the students' fitness in elementary school and junior high school in recent years, and to discuss the curriculum division which is reasonable or not. The content analysis was used to solve those questions above. The results of this study were that the fitness level from elementary school to college in Taiwan was lower than in American, Japan, Singapore and mainland of China. There were many questions caused this situation like the life changed, the educational administrations and the parents careless, the physical education class being the sub-class, and the reduction of the physical education class. The percent of the classes in HPELA was 10 to 15 percent in all learning class. The numbers of physical education class in the first and second grades were 1.455 to 2.182, in the third and forth grades were 1.819 to 2.782, in the fifth and sixth grades were 1.964 to 2.946, in the seventh and eighth grades were 2.1 to 2.075 and in the ninth grade were 2.25 to 3.375. It needs to suggest the educational administration enhanced the numbers of physical education class in HPELA.
