  • 期刊


Preliminary Study on Biogeography and Phylogeny of Microhylidae between Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands




Four species of Microhylidae distributed in Far East (Taiwan and Ryukyu Is.) were compared by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic patterns of 22 locus for 10 enzymes extracted from the skeletal muscle and liver were analyzed in 223 frogs, of 16 populations including one of M. bulteri, five of M heymonsi, two of M. inornata and eight of M. ornata. Results indicated that M. bulteri, M. heymonsi and M. ornata were closely related in genetic. WhileM. inornata was far away from these three species. These 16 populations of four species were deivided into three groups by the result from UPGMA of genetic distance: (1) M. ornata in Taiwan. (2) M. bultrei, M heymonsi in Taiwan and M. ornata in Ryukyu Is. (3) M. inornata in Taiwan. Moreover, the level of interspecific and intrapopulation genetic differentiations seemed to be very high.
