  • 期刊

The Impact of IAS 36 on the Determinants of Purchase-Price Allocation to Goodwill under IFRS 3: Reporting Incentives and Corporate Governance

影響IFRS 3分攤購買價格至商譽的決定因素:報導誘因、IAS 36與公司治理


This study examines the reliability of goodwill recognized in a business combination under International Financial Reporting Standards No. 3 (IFRS 3). In particular, this study investigates how contracting incentives, and exchange-delisting concerns, affect managerial discretion in accounting choices for the allocation of the purchase price between goodwill and identifiable definite-life intangible assets in a business combination in the pre-International Accounting Standards No. 36 (IAS 36) period and post-IAS 36 period. This study finds that acquirers with debt covenant concerns are more likely to allocate a high proportion of purchase price to goodwill in the pre-IAS 36 period than in the post-IAS 36 period. In addition, this study finds that acquirers with managerial bonus scheme are more likely to allocate a high proportion of purchase price to goodwill in the post-IAS 36 period, while this positive association is mitigated by audit committee.


本研究探討遵循國際財務報告準則3號公報(International Financial Reporting Standards No. 3,簡稱 IFRS 3)〈企業合併〉購買法之會計處理,收購企業分攤購買價格至商譽的比率是否受其債務契約,紅利薪酬契約與公司之治理機制影響,且其影響程度於採用國際會計準則36號公報(International Accounting Standards No. 36,簡稱 IAS 36)〈資產減損〉的前後是否具差異。以台灣上市櫃公司為樣本,本研究發現收購企業於採用IAS 36號公報後,其分攤購買價格到商譽的比率與其紅利薪酬契約之關聯性呈現顯著的正向關聯,但與其債務契約之關聯性則呈現顯著的負向關係,此關聯性與IAS 36號公報實施之前的研究結果正好相反。本研究並發現IAS 36號公報實施後,有設置審計委員會之收購企業,其分攤購買價格到商譽的比率與其紅利薪酬契約之關聯性呈現顯著的負向關聯,顯示具財務專家之審計委員會能有效監督管理者分攤收購價格至商譽的比率。


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