  • 期刊


Are KAMs Boilerplate Disclosures?




This study employs methods of textual analysis to examine the determinants of textual modification in disclosures of key audit matters (KAMs). Specifically, analyzing KAMs disclosed in the audit reports in Taiwan for the fiscal years of 2016 and 2017, we classify the content of KAMs as either risk-related or audit procedure-related, and examine the determinants of modification in KAMs. Empirical results suggest that the fundamental financials (i.e., changes in current assets, free cash flows, size, and growth) and the individual style of the lead audit partner significantly influence textual modification in KAMs. Results from a further analysis indicate that textual modification in the description of audit procedures, but not in the description of risk, reflects the individual style of the lead partner. Finally, we provide evidence for an association between textual modification in KAM disclosures and analyst forecasts. In other words, our findings suggest that KAM disclosures are more than standardized or boilerplate communications and potentially reflect corporate financial performance.


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