  • 期刊

CEO Inside Debt Holdings and Corporate Social Responsibility



This paper examines the relationship between chief executive officers (CEOs) inside debt holdings and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. Using a sample of U.S. public firms for the period 2007-2014, we find that CEOs with higher levels of inside debt engage in more CSR, and such engagement is due mainly to the increase of socially responsible activities rather than to the decrease in socially irresponsible activities. We also observe that greater positive effects of CEOs inside debt holdings are stronger for CSR targeting primary stakeholders than targeting secondary stakeholders. We find that inside debt provides long-term incentives for CEOs to undertake CSR for continuously curbing the agency costs of debt. Finally, we note that the effect of inside debt on CSR is more pronounced when default risk is high. Our results show that CSR engagement are essential channels for inside debt holders to reduce agency costs of debt.




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