  • 期刊


Asiatic Cholera and the Transformation of Drinking Habits of the Chinese Communities in Shanghai, 1920s-1930s


真性亞洲霍亂(Asiatic cholera)自1820年代從印度半島經由海路傳入中國,這是一種烈性傳染、高度致死的流行病,對所入侵地區居民的醫療觀念與生活習慣均產生巨大影響。然而,霍亂在19世紀的流行,對中國的社會組織、運行機制的影響,遠不如我們已知對同時期歐洲的影響那樣深遠。直到1920至1930年代霍亂再度在中國流行,相應的公共衛生體系與觀念才呈現相匹配的發展。這一比較的結果,是否可以說明傳統中國社會無法自發產生類似西方公共衛生的觀念與組織?西方公共衛生制度的引入,是否能夠以及如何影響到當地華人原本的習慣與觀念,以至出現社會組織及其運行機制的變遷?本文將聚焦與霍亂傳播密切相關的飲水活動,以1920至1930年代的上海為例,用文化史和社會史的視角考察人們的習慣與觀念及其背後社會組織的變遷。


上海 公共衛生 飲水 霍亂 現代性


Asiatic cholera first invaded China from India along sea routes in 1820s. With its intense infection and high mortality patterns, cholera has dramatically influenced the medical practice and everyday habits of the affected areas. However, during its epidemic season in the 19th century, it did not exert a significant influence on Chinese social institutions as those known to us in the European society. It is only in the 1920s and 1930s, another epidemic season of cholera, that public health institutions and people's perceptions developed accordingly in China. Does this difference mean that the traditional Chinese society could never spontaneously develop a similar institution like western public health? How did the introduction of western institution influence the habits and perception of Chinese people, and moreover make an impact on the transformation of society? Focusing on a case study of Shanghai from 1920s to 1930s, this article investigates the drinking habits that are closely related to the spread of cholera and studies the transformation of people's habits and perception and the transformation of modern Chinese society from a cultural and social history perspective.


Shanghai public health water-drinking cholera modernity


程愷禮,〈霍亂在中國(1820-1930):傳染病國際化的一面〉,載劉翠溶、伊懋可主編,《積漸所至:中國環境史論文集》(臺北:中央研究院經濟研究所,1995 ),頁747-796
羅芙蕓著,向磊譯,《衛生的現代性:中國通商口岸衛生與疾病的含義》(南京:江蘇人民出版社,2007 )。
Shuk-Wah Poon. Cholera, Public Health, and the Politics of Water in Republican Guangzhou, Modern Asian Studies 47: 2 (2013): 436-466
Asa Briggs, Cholera and Society in the Nineteenth Century, Past & Present 19: 1(1961): 76-96
