  • 會議論文


A Study of Consumer Attitudes and Eating Behavior on the Food Quality of Medical Cuisine (Yaoshan) Restaurants


本研究以大台北地區消費者為調查對象,以問卷的方式進行調查,探討一般民眾對藥膳餐廳食品品質的態度與飲食行為及二者之相關性。問卷的內容但括「消費者對藥膳餐廳、食品品質的態度量表」、「飲食行為之調查J、「個人背景資料」,態度量表係針對風味、烹調、菜色、衛生、環境及其他等項目進行探討。問卷結果分別以描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關(Pearson correlation)等統計方法作分析。總共發出800份問卷,有效問卷750份,有效問卷率為93.8 %。聽過藥膳食品者佔總樣本96.3%,食用過藥膳食品佔總樣本89.6 %,消費的季節多集中在冬季,每年消費四至七次,一般花費為301至700元,最常消費藥膳餐的場所依序為家中、一般餐廳(有提供藥膳)、路邊攤、小吃店、藥膳餐廳,最常食用的產品為羊肉爐,食用的目的以保養居多,再者為當成一般食物,然而兩者的差異不大。藥膳餐廳資訊來源多為親友介紹﹔不曾至藥膳餐廳食用的原因,普遍認為餐廳太少及價格太高。探討態度對於食品品質中排名以衛生構面最為重視,208位曾至 藥膳餐廳的受訪者中,婚姻及家庭收入在整體態度上具有顯著差異(P值分別為0.043和0.000),並分別於多項構面有顯著差異﹔343位未曾至藥膳餐廳食用過藥膳的消費者中,性別在整體態度上具有顯著差異(P=0.011)。後者在進一步分析後發現風味構面具顯著差異(P=0.043)﹔婚姻狀況在風味和環境構面,及教育程度在環境構面具有顯著性差異(P值分別為0.046、0.024、0.037)。


This research aims at investigating the consumer's attitudes and eating behavior toward the food quality of Medical Cuisine Restaurants and their correlation by means of questionnaires. Our target groups are the consumers in Taipei and vicinity areas including Taipei, Danshuei, Hsintein and Banchian. The contents of the questionnaire consist of consumer attitudes toward the food quality of Medical Cuisine Restaurants in which flavor, cooking methods, variety of dishes, sanitary conditions, environmental conditions and other areas are investigated. Eating behavior and basic personal information also form part of the questionnaire. A total of 750 effective samples out of 800 surveyed were collected and analyzed in this study. The data is analyzed by the t-Test, one-way ANOVA, LSD and Pearson Correlation. The statistics indicate that 96.3% of the target group has heard about the Medical Cuisine and 89.6% has tried the cuisine. The target groups mostly consume around 4-7 times per year mainly in winter and each consumption price ranges from NT 301 dollars to NT 700 dollars. The most frequent forms of consumption is in the following order : happen at home, general restaurants, food stalls, small size eating store and Medical Cuisine Restaurants. The most popular cuisine is the Lamb Chafing Dish (59.1 %). The dominant intention of dining is for health maintenance purposes and secondly for pure consumption of food, however the difference between the two intentions is minute. The main source of information for medical cuisine largely comes from friends and families recommendations. The reasons for not consuming in a specialized Medical Cuisine Restaurant are chiefly because of the limited choice of restaurants as well as the costly prices. Regarding the areas of the food quality, the sanitation condition is paid the most attention by the consumers. Within the 208 consumers who have been to Medical Cuisine Restaurants, there is a significant difference on the overall attitude between marriage (P=0.043) and family income (P=0.000).As for the 343 consumers who have never been to Medical Cuisine Restaurant, the significant difference on the overall attitude lies on the gender differences (P=0.011),comparison of flavors (P=0.043); Marriage status focuses on the area of flavor (P=0.046) and the environmental conditions (P=0.024); The level of education is most significantly different on the area of the environmental conditions (P=0.037).


