  • 期刊


The Analysis of Sustainable development in cross-strait higher education cooperation


當今全球化趨勢帶動每一個國家,跨國區域合作已成為國際化的目標之一,其中增進國際化高等教育特別是提升國家競爭力的強項條件,高等教育合作能快速提升教育水準,更直接影響國際地位。海峽兩岸同樣根基於中華文化,目前政治環境雖然緩和卻仍然對峙,兩岸雙雙加入世界貿易組織(World TradeOrganization,簡稱WTO),然而兩岸教育並沒有共同治理機制,以致目前兩岸交流政策仍顯得相當不平衡。經由長年兩岸統計分析探討,海峽兩岸經貿、科技、產業與學術交流來往,早在兩岸政策不明朗之前就非常頻繁,近期更是興盛繁榮朝野樂觀其成。本研究建議高等教育合作需要放寬政策,建立共治理機制,學術去政治化,兩岸教育文化交流才能持續發展合作,更深化、廣闊,共同提升國際水準,培育更多兩岸卓越人才。


Nowadays, almost every country is driven by globalization and cross regional cooperation has become one of the internationalization goals, which promotes the internationalization of higher education. Higher education cooperation not only can enhance the country's competitive strengths but also improve the educational level. Moreover, it still has a direct impact on international status of a country. Chinese culture goes hand in hand with Taiwan, although the confrontation between them and both join the WTO (World Trade Organization, referred to as the WTO), the reality is still not easing due to the political environment. The two sides do not have the co-educational mechanism, which leads to the current cross-strait exchange policy still quite unbalanced. Statistical analysis by Taiwan and Mainland for many years shows that the frequent cross-strait trade, science and technology, industry and academic exchanges have been proceeding along before the uncertainty policy between Taiwan and Mainland. It becomes much more flourished recently. This study suggests that cooperation in Higher Education policies need to be more open and academic policies should not limited by politic. Only by that we can achieve a much deeper, broader, development and jointly raise the academic performance to an international level, and foster more outstanding students for Taiwan and Mainland.
