  • 期刊


Toughness and Tenderness as Fact and Fiction: Mrs.Thatcher in The Iron Lady


教學的生動活潑在當前教育環境中備受重視,搭配目前電腦科技的進展,造就圖像和影視材料在教學上的大量使用並且日益普遍。如何選取適當的圖像或影視材料,藉以傳達教學的內容並讓學習者留下深刻的印象,自然成為執教者不容輕忽的課題。筆者在教授英國史相關課程中,曾選用電影《鐵娘子》(The Iron Lady)作為輔助教材藉以討論相關的議題。透過影像與具體的人物故事,總能激發同學們探索的興趣,進而討論相關歷史人物和歷史事件的影響與評價。《鐵娘子》(The Iron Lady)一片固然勾起人們對柴契爾夫人的興趣和討論,但對歷史背景和相關史實的陌生,卻也侷限了思考(討論)的深度與廣度。故本文選取該片所涉及的歷史背景或事件加以陳述,希望能對此一視聽教材的運用有所幫助。在認識當代英國的歷史與人物之餘,也能對歷史與影視戲劇的的關係略表個人看法。


One of the leading teaching strategies in general history education is applying historiophoty in class. By viewing and discussing historical and bibliographic films, it helps students to obtain impression of the historical contexts, and to learn diverse views on historical figures. In my class of the English History, I use The Iron Lady as an example to attract students’ attention to the political career of Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), and to the modern politics and political development of the British Government. The Iron Lady, a British biographical cinema releasing in 2011, centers on the public and private life of Margret Thatcher, the well known longest-serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of the 20^(th) century. Apart from drawing remarkable attention to the political career and achievement of Margret Thatcher, this somewhat controversial film also try to place her in the socio-political and gendered contexts in her time. By looking into this film, this paper introduces the historical Margret Thatcher on the one hand, and analyzes the images of Margret Thatcher in the film on the other hand. In so doing, this paper also demonstrates how to use a film as a kind of teaching source material in classroom.
