  • 期刊


The Localized Form Study of Catholic Arts: Illustrated with Wanchin Basilica of Pingtung




Wanchin Basilica is located at Wan-luen Village of Pingtung County, and it is the oldest existing Catholic church in Taiwan. Since nearly 80% of the village residents are believers of Catholicism, it has become the parish with the highest density of catholic parishioners in Taiwan. Besides, it is also the village with the highest proportion of residents to have become father, priest, or num. Furthermore, since it was decreed with Imperial Order by Pope St. Paul II of Rome as Basilica in 1984, it has received tremendous attention. The church has gone through several appearance re-construction to maintain its original outlook much in resemblance to a medieval Spanish castle. On its threshold, it is inscribed with the decree of "Imperial Order" and "Catholic Church" stone plaque, which was awarded to it as the Fujian Vessel Viceroy Shen Bao Jen requested to the court of Emperor Tung Chi. Within the hall, we can find it is demonstrated with statue of Holy Figure, Holy sacraments and "Holy Mother Sedan", which is of hundred-year treasure as currently preserved. Catholic art has always been considered as the important origin for western artistic creation, and it was well realized in the architectural style, sculpturing of holy statue, holy sacrament, and ritual of musical tunes. From the end of 16th century, the process of gospel preaching of Catholicism has gone through various stages and locations; however, the repertoire of "localization" has been staged constantly. As a matter of fact, it has always been the fundamental principle of catholic art for its gospel preaching in order to eliminate cultural barrier of different races and obtain the recognition of local residents. The missionary work of Catholicism caused Eastern and the Western culture is changed. When Studies the Chinese Catholicism's history, becomes the" Famous doctrine" which the people pay attention. However, the few people care about the Taiwan Catholicism's development, The important cultural phenomenon is neglected for a long time, the literature, the historical site, the old people also gradually vanish, the scholarly research is also weak. This article will make use of the study on Wanchin Basilica - early Catholic church in Taiwan - to appreciate the localization process of the most predominant religion from the west and the localized form of its arts.


