  • 會議論文


Assessment of Public Toilets in Taoyuan Area Post-occupancy evaluation


早期農業時代,人們著重物質資源的獲得,提供精神生活感受的設施被歸列為是浪費及不切實際的行為,而自家的廁所尚且都僅是「茅坑」角色,更遑論是公眾使用的公廁更僅是解放排泄物的「便所」,也因此「公廁」從遠早年代至今一直予人髒污、惡臭、潮濕的負面印象。但隨著國民教育提升的普及,人們開始注重精神層面的提升,明瞭良好的生活品質將更促進社會更有競爭動力及優質化。邁入西元2000 年的科技時代後,國際間商務與政治活動更加交流頻繁,政府當局逐漸意識到公共設施代表國家的門面,而「公廁」不僅是彰顯城市文化水準的指標之一,也是反映民眾素質及公德心的重要參考。也因此,近幾年來相關單位積極推動美化公廁、比賽評鑑優良公廁等相關活動,希望能提升國家競爭力及國際良好形象。台灣的公廁規劃係依據建築技術規則作為設計準則,並就現地基地現狀所興建,廁所的位置多半配置於剩餘空間作現地隔間,不是建物的轉角處就是角落,也因侷限剩餘空間,常有空間狹小、不規則的情況,僅符合「有地方用」、「可以使用」的條件,調查過程中,更有少部分的廁所缺乏完善的管理,致使基本功能性的提供亦無法完善,更遑論是否符合使用者在如廁過程中心理層面的隱私性及舒適感。本論文以桃園地區民眾使用頻率較高的公廁作為抽樣性之探討樣本,以「功能性」及「隱私性」為兩大檢核重點,透過以實際操作方式,模擬使用者使用過程及現地觀察,並對各類樣本以分項逐一進行檢核問卷填寫作探討及比對,並進行檢核問卷填寫,期待透過實際操作及觀察的心得記錄,歸納出符合功能性及隱私性的條件,藉此了解國內公共場所之公廁是否提供充分的基本功能,及納入隱私性的規劃,讓使用者能在如廁過程中,感受安全舒適的歷程。本論文研究結果歸納出下列幾點:一、國內設施內之公廁多具備基本排泄功能。二、公廁設施管理維護上仍有進步空間。三、多數公廁設計在隱私性上之考量仍待努力。四、公廁規劃仍有相當進步再造的空間。


桃園地區 公廁 功能性 隱私性


In the early agricultural age, people attached great importance to the access to material resources. The facilities providing spiritual life were categorized as wasteful and impractical behaviors. People's own toilets were merely "latrines", not to mention the public toilets for public use which were only the "toilets" for feces. Therefore, "public toilets" have left people with a dirty, stench and wet negative image since the early days. However, with the popularization of improvements in national education, people have started to emphasize the spiritual improvements, and are aware that a good quality of life will render the society more competitive and high quality. In the technological era since 2000, the international business and political activities grow increasingly frequent. The government came to realize that public facilities represent the country's image. Also, "public toilets" are not only one of the indicators showing urban culture, but are an important reference to people's quality and public morality. As a result, in recent years, relevant organizations have actively promoted the beautification of public toilets, competition and evaluation of excellent public toilets and related activities, hoping to boost national competitiveness and good international image. Planning of Taiwan's public toilets regards the technical rules of buildings as the design criteria, and the public toilets are built based on the current situations of construction site. They are mostly situated in the remaining space as local compartments, either in the corners or nooks of the buildings. Additionally, since the remaining space tend to be small and irregular, such toilets only meet the conditions of "available toilets" or "accessible toilets". In the course of survey, small numbers of toilets lack sound management, so the provision of basic functions is not complete, let alone whether the users' privacy and comfort at the psychological level are met. This paper regarded the public toilets which are often used by the public in Taoyuan are as the samples of sampling survey, and "functions" and "privacy" are the two significant checkpoints. By means of practical operation modes, the toilet use by users were simulated and observed on site. Besides, items of all samples were inspected one by one, and the inspection questionnaires were filled for exploration and comparison, and the inspection questionnaires were filled. It is expected to summarize the conditions meeting the functions and privacy through actual operation and records of observation. In this way, this paper probes into whether the public toilets in Taiwan's public places provide comprehensive basic functions, and include privacy planning, so that the users can feel safe and comfortable when using the toilets. The findings of this paper are summarized as follows: 1. The public toilets included in Taiwan facilities are equipped with basic excretion functions. 2. Management and maintenance of public toilets facilities still have room for improvement. 3. The design of most public toilets should make more efforts in taking privacy into account. 4. The planning of public toilets still has room for progress and renovation.


Taoyuan area public toilets functions privacy
