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A Study of Group Interaction Patterns and Emoticon Use in a Synchronous Discussion Activity



This study explores the group interaction patterns and emoticon use in a synchronous discussion activity within an international distance course. It adopts the qualitative research approach and analyzes data collected from messages posted onto the online discussion boards of four learning groups during their online discussion activity. The transcript analysis tool (TAT) was used to analyze interaction features on a sentence-level. With TAT, transcripts were coded within five main categories by three raters. The findings suggested that differences in focus on the factual elements (statements) distinguished group involvements with online network, and each group showed the same preference in providing support to teammates. Besides, emoticon use was proved to be a good method to strengthen interpersonal interaction and to enhance social presence during the interaction process. Students viewed synchronous online discussion as an impressive and helpful learning activity which benefited their positive attitudes to international distance learning. This study concludes that with sound online learning activity design, synchronous CMC is beneficial to improve interaction and to increase students' willingness to participate in class activities.


本論文旨在探討國際遠距學習情境中,學生小組在線上同步討論活動之互動模式與表情符號使用行為。本研究採用質化研究取向,分析資料取自於参與同步線上討論活動之四個學習小組張貼於php-based 討論看板的所有文本。文本分析方面,本研究採用以句子為基礎(sentence-based)、包含五種文本類別之TAT工具檢驗學生的互動行為,由三位評分員分別據此分類標準進行分析,並經分析取得高評分者間信度水準。研究結果顯示,小組對線上網絡參與程度之差異主要表現於事實性的成分(陳述)的行為類型,且每一個小組對提供支持的行為都表現同樣的偏好程度。此外,學生對表情符號的使用行為也證明表情符號確實可加強在互動歷程中的人際互動與社會存在。學生認為同步線上討論活動是非常有幫助的學習活動,並且增強他們對國際遠距學習與數位學習之肯定程度。本研究提出同步電腦中介溝通活動可有效提升互動,藉由好的線上學習活動設計,更可增加學生願意參與學習活動的意願。


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