  • 期刊


Three Precept Platforms and Five Classics: The Formation of the Pantheon for the Tantric Yoga and Exorcist Traditions of Fujian Province and Related Questions




福建 道教 密教 瑜珈 法教


This paper draws on manuscripts and materials, those which have been composed since the early Qing dynasty, that were discovered in the last three years in Daoist altars in three counties-Youxi 尤溪, Datian 大田, and Yong'an 永安-in central Fujian province, as well as recent fieldwork records of actual ritual performances in these locations. The paper attempts to investigate the formation of the pantheon for the Tantric yoga and exorcist traditions of the region and the development and characteristics of the related concept of "Three Precept Platforms and Five Classics." In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper is primarily divided into three major sections. The first, "From Tantric Buddhism to Tantric Exorcism," traces the origins of two divine incantations for Huiji jingang 穢跡金剛 (Ucchuṣma), the deity's eight-armed form, and the use of language in specific scriptures found in central Fujian to compare and ascertain the relationship between these with the Tantric Yoga and Esoteric Buddhist scriptures produced since the Tang dynasty. The second section, "The Development and Implications of the Three Precept Platforms and Five Classics," then engages in textual criticism, arguing that the concept should be understood in the context of Esoteric Buddhism since the Southern Song and as the continuation and transformation of those traditions in the Tantric Exorcist teachings of central Fujian. The third section, "Characteristics of the Construction of the New Main Deities of the Three Precept Platforms in Central Fujian's Tantric Exorcism Traditions," further discusses how the figures of Baowang 寶王, Longshu 龍樹, and Zhenwu 真武 came to be the "New Leaders of the Three Precept Platforms." The third section also explores how these figures, in ritual incantations used to respectfully summon the primary ritual lineage head and all the various sages, often reveal characteristics intimately connected to Nagarjuna and Esoteric Buddhism.


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