  • 期刊


An Action Research of Integrating the Study of Medical Paradigmatic Figures into Innovative Teaching for General Education


本研究旨在運用教學行動研究,來探究醫療典範人物對醫藥專業背景學生的啟迪意義。多年來,「台灣醫療史」通識課程將醫療典範人物的研習導入課程中,來達到神入歷史(historical empathy)的學習目標,教學者發現有必要將原先廣泛涉獵較多人物的學習方向,轉為深入了解單一典範人物形塑的發展歷程,以提升學習者的學習成效,並達成教學者持續創新教學的終極目標。108學年度第二學期,教學者重新建構「台灣醫療史」的教學方案,並於北港校區進行教學行動研究。在先前課程實施的改進方向基礎上,行動前,教學者廣泛蒐集醫學人物傳記資料,及調查修課學生對醫療典範人物的先備知識;行動中,教學者依時代先後及醫療典範人物的類型做專題導論,配合期中與期末學生的閱讀及心得寫作,並視需要隨機輔以訪談來掌握個別學生的學習脈絡;行動後,全面彙整學生的選書動機及選讀個人傳記的模式探討,分析神入典範人物的歷程與結果,並針對整個行動研究中的課前準備、課中策略及課後成效進行總檢討,最後提出後續課程改進方向及具體做法之建議。


The purpose of this study, by the approach of action research, aims to explore the significance of how medical paradigmatic figures have inspired students with medicine majors. Over the years, the course "History of Medicine in Taiwan" has incorporated study of medical model characters into the curriculum to achieve the learning objective of "historical empathy." The instructor found its necessary to shift the original direction of learning from extensive coverage of a large number of medical figures to a more comprehensive understanding of specific model characters for enhancing students' learning outcomes and hopefully attaining the exterminated goals of instructor's intention on innovative teaching for general education. In the spring semester of 2019 academic year, the instructor reconstructed the teaching programs for the course "History of Medicine in Taiwan" and conducted an action research on CMU's Beigang campus. Based on the improving directions from the past four years' curriculum implementation research, the instructor reexamines and extensively collects the biographies of paradigmatic figures in the field of medicine and surveys students' prior knowledge towards medical model characters before the action. The instructor gives an introduction to the topics in chronological order as well as the varied types of those figures, coordinating with students' midterm and final feed-backs and reflections in the action. Also, the instructor conducts interviews as necessary to comprehend individual students' learning contexts during the action. With a comprehensive compilation of students' learning data from biographical reviews and reflection writings after the action, the instructor thoroughly explores and analyzes students' motivation of selecting specific model figures and their learning outcomes of "Historical Empathy." Through the final course examination regarding the pre-class preparations, in-class strategies and after-class effects in this restructured teaching program, the study has obtained some new improving directions for the future cross-campus implementation of curriculum.


