  • 期刊

Discovering the Relationships among Satisfactions, Repurchase Intention, and Word-of-Mouth Output Intention



The purpose of this study was to investigate whether consumer satisfaction directly affect consumer word-of-mouth behavior or repurchase intention can play a mediating role between consumer satisfaction and word-of-mouth output intention. Satisfactions with product and service will determine the customers' future purchase intention and word-of-mouth communication. Smith (1998) also indicated that consumer satisfaction can be a significant determinant of repurchase intention, dissemination word-of-mouth, and consumer loyalty in products and services. In this study, the data was handled by the reliability test, descriptive analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). After analyzing, the outcomes can be summarized in the following subjects. The path analysis displays that there was no direct effect and indirect effect among service satisfaction, repurchase intention, and word-of-mouth output intention; for the product satisfaction, there was a direct effect to repurchase intention and an indirect effect to positive/negative word-of-mouth output intention; repurchase intention and word-of-mouth output intention were predicted directly by ambiance satisfaction, which meant that the repurchase intention can also play a mediating role between ambiance satisfaction and word-of-mouth output intention.


這研究的目的是要去探討消費者滿意度是否會直接影響消費者傳播口碑的行為;或者是要經由再購買意圖作為滿意度與口碑傳播意圖之間的媒介。消費者對產品和服務的滿意將會決定他們未來的購買意圖和口碑傳遞。Smith (1998)就指出消費者的再購買意圖、傳播口碑和顧客忠誠的決定因素是滿意度。在這研究中,所運用的統計方法包含了信度分析、描述分析和結構方程式的路徑分析。分析的結論為服務的滿意度對再購買意圖和口碑傳播意圖沒有直接或者間接的影響;產品的滿意度會直接影響再購買意圖和間接影響口碑傳播意圖;環境的滿意度可以直接預測再購買意圖和口碑傳播意圖。也就是說再購買意圖是滿意度與口碑傳播意圖之間的媒介。
