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Study on the design of water treatment scheme for Expressway tunnel in a mountainous area


In the process of tunnel construction in karst area, unexpected geological disasters such as water inrush and mud inrush are often encountered, which brings great disaster and incalculable economic loss to the construction safety, in order to ensure the smooth operation of tunnel construction and the safety of the late construction of the tunnel, it is necessary to select and remove the reasonable construction plan. In the course of highway tunnel construction in a mountainous area, after entering the rainy season, with the tunnel digging into the melting section of the Xeon Rock, the tunnel water inrush and seepage are obviously aggravated, and after the natural drainage of the original design is serious, the reason of the water accumulation in the hole is analyzed, three kinds of water treatment schemes in the hole are formulated, The best treatment scheme was eventually selected. It provides reference for similar karst groundwater treatment and tunnel construction scheme design.


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