  • 學位論文


Assessment on Cooking Oil Fume Exposure among Restaurant Workers

指導教授 : 詹長權


目的:了解餐廳從業人員在中式、西式、日式與速食四種不同類型廚房與用餐區中工作時所暴露到懸浮微粒濃度,以及微環境中多環芳香烴化合物濃度分布狀況。 方法:本研究在桃園縣與台北縣市等地區選取32間餐廳,其中包括16間中式餐廳、6間西式餐廳、5間日式餐廳與5間速食餐廳,於2006年2月至2006年9月間進行作業環境採樣,監測不同類型餐廳廚房與用餐區內PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0的大氣懸浮微粒質量濃度以及多環芳香烴化合物濃度。大氣懸浮微粒使用DUST-check Portable Dust Monitor model 1.108進行採樣,多環芳香烴化合物則使用IOM個人採樣器與玻璃纖維濾紙收集。根據餐廳營業時間,本研究將採樣日劃分為三個時段,包括11:00~14:00、14:00~17:00以及17:00~21:00(其中14:00~17:00為餐廳休息時間)執行統計分析。本研究應用成對T檢定、變異數分析、線性混合效應模式分析與線性相關等統計方法進行數據分析。所使用之軟體為SPSS 13.0與Microsoft OfficeWindos Excel 2003。 結果:於餐廳作業期間,在中式、西式、日式與速食用餐區測得之懸浮微粒質量濃度,包括PM10、PM2.5或PM1.0皆顯著低於廚房內的監測值;而廚房於早、晚兩個工作時段所產生的懸浮微粒質量濃度,無論PM10、PM2.5或PM1.0皆顯著高於休息時間之值。速食廚房中的PM1.0佔總PM10質量濃度的比例約90%,明顯高於其他類型廚房。雖然在變異數分析中,這四種類型的廚房懸浮微粒質量濃度無顯著差異,但經由混合效應模型分析後發現速食廚房的微粒質量濃度顯著高於其他三者。 在速食廚房所測得之多環芳香烴總濃度高於中式、西式、與日式廚房之測定濃度。在速食廚房測得之benzo(a)pyrene、benzo(f)fluroranhene,在西式廚房測得之benzo(g,h,i)perylene、pyrene,以及在中式廚房所測得之dibenzo(a,e)pyrene分別為各單一多環芳香烴物質濃度之最大值。在變異數分析中發現,除了速食廚房的benzo(f)fluroranhene濃度顯著高於日式廚房,其他物質在中式、西式、日式與速食廚房間的濃度並無顯著差異。相關分析的結果顯示,多環芳香烴的濃度與懸浮微粒之日平均質量濃度有正相關。 結論:不同類型廚房之烹飪方式不同,會造成不同程度的汙染。炸、烤、炒等為速食與中式廚房中較常出現的料理方式,會導致懸浮微粒質量濃度上升,其中「烤」會增加多環芳香烴的濃度。未來應持續長期監測廚房的空氣品質,並進行暴露評估、風險評估,規範廚房從業人員暴露於懸浮微粒濃度與多環芳香烴的閾值,確保勞工作業健康。


廚師 餐廳類型 油煙 懸浮微粒 暴露評估


Objective:To investigate the concentration distributions of particulate matters (including PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) measured in the kitchens and dining rooms of four different style restaurants, including Chinese, Western, Japanese, and fast-food. Methods:The exposure assessment study was conducted in 32 restaurants, including 16 Chinese, 6 Western, 5 Japanese, and 5 fast-food restaurants in northern Taiwan from February to September, 2006. We concurrently measured the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentrations in cooks’ working microenvironments and dining rooms. The particles was measured by a DUST-check Portable Dust Monitor (Grimm Inc., model 1.108) from 11:00 to 21:00 of a working day at each kitchen, and then we divided the sampling durations into three parts, according to their working time (period 1 and period 2, 11:00~14:00 and 17:00~21:00, respectively)and resting time(14:00~17:00). In addition, the PAHs were measured by IOM personal sampler and glassfiber. We used ANOVA and linear mixed effects regression models to analyze the variations of the particular concentrations at different kinds of kitchens. Pair-t test was used to compare the difference of the particular concentration at kitchens and dining rooms and the difference of the particular concentration at working time and resting time Results:The results of paired-t test analysis showed that the average concentrations of PM10、PM2.5 and PM1.0 were increasing during working periods, which were significantly higher than those during the resting time. Among all the kitchens, the average mass concentration of PM10 (299.8±531.6μg/m3), PM2.5 (289.9±524.0μg/m3) and PM1.0 (268.8±504.0μg/m3) during working periods were found to be the highest ones at fast-food kitchens. It should be noted that the percentage of PM1.0 in total mass concentrations at those fast-food kitchens is about 90%, which is very different from all the other style kitchens. The results of Mixed-effect model showed that the particle concentrations at fast-food kitchens were significantly higher than those at the other style kitchens. The total-PAHs levels at fast-food kitchens are the highestones among all the resturants. In particular, benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(k)fluroranhene were found to be highest at fast-food kitchens, however, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and pyrene were the highest at Western kitchens and dibenzo(a,e)pyrene were the highest at Chinese kitchens, respectively. Our findings indicated that only the concentrations of benzo(k)fluroranhene at fast-food kitchens were significantly higher than those at Japanese kitchens. Furthermore, the correlation analysis showed the positive correlation between PAHs concentrations and PM concentrations. Conclusion: The different kinds of cooking styles at different kinds of kitchens would cause different levels of pollution. The deep-frying, grilling, stir-frying cooking stylesat fast-food kitchens and Chinese kitchens were likely to increase the concentration of PM. Besides, grilling could cause higher PAHs concentations, which may cause adverse health effects for humans. Long-term monitoring of pollutants, exposure assessment and risk assessment were recommended strategies for labors’ better health.


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