  • 學位論文


Planning for Urban Green Infrastructure in Pingtung City

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


生態都市的永續發展已成為當今世界各地積極發展的趨勢。而屏東市近年來 也因為重新思考城市內的河流整治開啟了都市治理的新契機。然而位於大高雄都 會區外圍的屏東市,近年來由於需求不高與沿用日治時期的都市計畫下,過度的 形式主義與都市計畫使得屏東市的發展顯得停滯不前。然而土地開發的壓力依然 存在,屏東市是否能建構一種永續的都市空間與發展策略,將會是屏東市對抗都 市蔓延的重要手段。 綠色基礎設施是近年來基於土地資源保育和管理、對抗蔓延造成的環境、社 會與經濟衝擊,而發展出來的一種綜合性的空間規劃思維。本研究期望透過綠色 基礎設施的概念,保存文史資產與自然生態資源,創造更可居的都市環境。本研 究以文獻回顧為基礎。採用案例研究的方式,透過專著、研究報告、參訪報告、 及網站資訊等文獻資料,分析並探討屏東市現今保有的公園、綠地、河川、棕地 等綠資源分布情況,利用GIS 的套疊與環域分析與採用最低移動路徑進行屏東市 綠色基礎設施網路的建置。透過綠色基礎設施的概念連接零散的綠地空間,發展 出屏東市整體的綠色網絡建置方案與操作策略。


Eco-city and its sustainable development has been a positive trend around the world. Pingtung city also starts to rethink its urban development through the remediation of Wan-nian creek. As a satellite town around Kaohsiung metropolis, Pingtung city is facing the crisis of land development pressure. To construct a sustainable development strategy is crucial for this city to defend against urban sprawl. Green infrastructure is a kind of spatial planning concept that could deal with land resources’ preservation, management and against sprawl phenomenon. It is a comprehensive spatial planning thinking. This study bases on literature review, through monographs, research reports, visit reports, website and other literature to understand what and where the green resources are. Also through the concept of green infrastructure, combine with the empirical investigation that was carried out in Pingtung City, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analysis parks, rivers, brown fields, farm lands. With overlap related-maps and buffer analysis, least-cost-path analysis, we can develop a strategy for a comprehensive green network in Pingtung, to link or enhance existing green resources where the region distribute in the city, promote the formation of ecological networks.


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