  • 學位論文


Comparing Strategy-use and Performance of Self-taught and Institutionally-trained Interpreters in Consecutive Interpreting

指導教授 : 范家銘


在專門訓練口譯員的口譯院校出現以前,幾乎所有口譯員都以自學的方式成為口譯專家。這些口譯員往往精通至少兩種語言,成為口譯員之後才藉由累積經驗,發展出自己的一套口譯技巧與策略。眾多口譯院校出現以後,會議口譯員接受正式院校口譯訓練成為常態,市場也由這些受過訓練的口譯員主導。然而,目前還是有未受過訓練的自學口譯員活躍於市場。因目前關於自學口譯員之文獻非常稀少,此篇論文旨在探討這些自學口譯員與受過正式院校訓練的口譯員之表現及策略是否有所不同,希望能促進雙方的理解與交流。 此篇論文邀請了七位口譯員實際進行逐步口譯,受試者包括四位自學口譯員(未接受過六個月以上研究所層級口譯訓練之口譯員)與三位受過正式訓練的口譯員(受訓時間至少兩年並擁有口譯碩士學位)。逐步口譯之方向為英進中,原文長度約八分鐘,分為十一段不同長度之段落。英文演講稿中設計了考點來促使受試者使用口譯策略來因應,演講則由英文母語者錄製。受試者完成逐步口譯後,須於訪談中回想口譯時遇到的問題及因應策略。而為避免分析資料時有所偏見,此篇論文亦以聽眾角度來評估口譯員之表現,邀請48位無口譯背景之聽眾聆聽口譯錄音,給予評分與回饋。 藉由分析與比較口譯音檔、訪談音檔和聽眾回饋,此篇論文以三種不同的觀點(受試者、研究者、聽眾)來探索自學口譯員與受過訓練口譯員之異同。研究結果顯示自學口譯員與受訓口譯員因應問題時使用之策略大致相同。以準確度及流暢度評估兩組口譯員表現後,發現受訓口譯員表現較佳,且48位聽眾中,大部分的聽眾都選擇受訓口譯員的版本。 希望本篇論文能夠讓口譯院校之師生更了解自學口譯員及其長處短處、互相學習、彼此交流。


Before interpreter training institutions were established, almost all interpreters were self-taught. These individuals were mainly bilinguals who became interpreters by chance and developed interpreting techniques and strategies through experience. It eventually became the norm for conference interpreters to receive formal training and these trained interpreters became dominant in the market. Yet, currently, there are still self-taught interpreters active in the market who have not received formal training in interpreting. This study examines whether there are differences between self-taught interpreters and institutionally-trained interpreters in terms of their performance and the strategies they use during consecutive interpreting. An experimental consecutive interpreting task was conducted in this study with four self-taught interpreters who have not received over six months of formal interpreting training at the graduate level and three interpreters who have received practical training in interpreting and hold master’s degrees in translation and interpretation. The direction of the consecutive interpreting task was from English into Chinese. The total length of the English material was eight minutes and it was divided into eleven segments of various length. Problem triggers were designed into the speech material in order to prompt the participants to use strategies or coping tactics. The speech was delivered by a native English speaker. Interviews were held after the interpreting task to examine the participant’s awareness of strategy-use and decision-making processes. The data collected from the interpreting tasks, interviews, and notes taken during the tasks were then analyzed and compared. Forty-eight audience members were also recruited to rate the interpretations and choose between the self-taught interpreter’s version or the institutionally-trained interpreter’s version. This allowed this study to analyze the collected material from three different perspectives: the researcher’s perspective, the participant’s perspective, and the perspective of the audience. The results showed that self-taught interpreters and formally-trained interpreters basically use the same strategies when dealing with difficulties while interpreting. In regards of performance, this study analyzed the interpreters’ performances in terms of accuracy and fluency. The analysis showed that formally-trained interpreters performed better overall. Among the 48 audience members who listened to the recordings, most of them chose the formally-trained interpreter’s version over the self-taught interpreter. It is hoped that this study can shed some light on the differences and similarities between self-taught interpreters and institutionally-trained interpreters as well as facilitate exchange and understanding between the two groups.


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