  • 學位論文


The Translation and Reception of Chinese Science Fiction, Narrative Difference and Translator’s Identity: A Case Study on Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem and Ken Liu's Translation

指導教授 : 陳榮彬


二○一五年,中國科幻作家劉慈欣(Liu Cixin)的作品《三體》(The Three-Body Problem),經同為科幻作家的劉宇昆(Ken Liu)翻譯,獲得科幻大獎雨果獎(Hugo Award)後,於全球引發一股中國科幻的熱潮。然而,先前的相關研究大多聚焦於文本本身,甚少探討中國科幻崛起背後的社會脈絡,以及譯者在其中扮演的角色,同時也忽略兩人不約而同避談政治議題的事實。因此,本文透過回顧中國科幻小說近百年來的發展,和分析各式副文本及《三體》的翻譯,試圖剖析譯者劉宇昆在中國科幻譯介至英語世界的過程中,所扮演的角色與重要性,同時點出作者及譯者本身的敘述,和主流敘述之間的落差。最後以《三體》英譯本使用的不同翻譯策略作結,探討譯者如何將具有中國特色的科幻小說,推廣至世界舞台,並在過程中強化譯者的身分及地位。期望能透過此研究,提供翻譯研究中有關譯者身分的新觀點,並為中文科幻小說的英譯作出貢獻。


After The Three-Body Problem written by Chinese science fiction author Liu Cixin was awarded Hugo Award in 2015, Chinese Science Fiction has become a global phenomenon. However, previous studies often focus on the translation text instead of the social and political context behind the international success of the genre and the role the translator Ken Liu played in the process. Not to mention to bring about the obvious fact that both the author and the translator tend not to discuss political issues in public. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the important role Ken Liu played in the introduction and translation of Chinese Science Fiction to the Anglophone readership, and highlight the narrative differences between the author and the translator and the mainstream receptions through reviewing the hundred-year development of science fiction in China and the analysis of multiple paratexts and the translation of The Three-Body Problem. Finally, with the detailed analysis of the translation strategies in The Three-Body Problem, this thesis also explores how the translator successfully introduced this classical Chinese Science Fiction novel to the world, and strengthen the identity and status of the translator at the same time. It is expected that this thesis can shed a new light on the identity of translator in translation studies and provide some useful suggestions on the English translation of science fiction written in Chinese.


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