  • 學位論文


Polynomial Evaluation through Biochemical Reactions in Equilibrium

指導教授 : 江介宏




Computation with biochemical elements is one of the major goals of synthetic biology. Engineering biochemical reactions has the potential to implement computations. We discuss about synthetic approaches to biochemical arithmetic operation. In particular, computation of polynomial is fundamental and important because we can approximate many non-linear functions with polynomials. In this thesis, we provide two bottom-up design strategies for polynomial evaluation. One is the integer valued polynomial evaluation, where polynomials are computed by single multiplication module using a time multiplexing strategy. In the infrastructure, reactions are regarded as atomic instruction marked with definite start time and finish time. The other is real valued polynomial evaluation, where the value is determined by precise control of molecular concentrations at their biochemical equilibrium. To produce output, reactions are used as configurable controller for species generation and degradation. For both methods, we run deterministic computer simulation and verify their output correctness through case studies. Our biochemical polynomials are applied to model pattern formations and provide a possible mechanism of reaction-diffusion system. In the future, we hope to impose more biological factors to our model and realize it in living cells.


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