  • 學位論文


A Policy Analysis of Direct Cross-Strait Shipping by Taiwan-invested Foreign Gravel Vessels

指導教授 : 陳明通


「海峽兩岸海運協議」至2012年已簽署實施四年。2008年12月12日,公布「臺灣地區與大陸地區空運直航許可管理辦法」,適航資格限兩岸船舶運送業,臺籍資本砂石權宜船外籍船舶船東被剃除在外,航運產業的現實面與政府政策規劃之間似乎出現斷層,臺籍資本砂石權宜船業者遂走上街頭,爭取基本工作權。雖然,臺籍資本砂石權宜船最終參與直航,令人不禁好奇的是兩岸航線定位是否 已「國內線」化?直航適用對象的認定為何?產業內、外結構的衝擊為何?相關政策配套措施為何?   本文問題意識為審視兩岸海運直航政策2008年至2012年歷經四年,其中的政策問題設定為何?針對臺籍資本砂石權宜船直航政策規劃為何?關於臺籍資本砂石權宜船直航適用辦法,政策合法化為何?臺籍資本砂石權宜船直航政策執行成果為何?   本文嘗試以訪談調查法,以台灣進口砂石協會為研究對象,以SWOT分析臺籍資本砂石權宜船運輸產業面臨的問題與機會,接續以公共政策分析架構評估政策。最後,以訪談所獲得第一手資料評估臺籍資本砂石權宜船直航政策,是否落入「一個中國」的框架之中?企望藉由調查能夠對海峽兩岸海運直航政策做出評估與建議,以利台灣海運產業與相關產業正面發展。


With the signing of the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement, direct cross-strait sea transportation has been approved for four years to date.“Regulations Governing The Approval and Administration of Direct Cross-Strait Sea Transport Between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area” has been promulgated on December 12, 2008. However, foreign gravel vessels with Taiwan capital are not approved by these regulations. There was a dilemma between the reality of seagoing industry and the policy formulation. As a result, foreign gravel vessels’ firms striked for their rights to work as per stated in the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement. Althought foreign gravel vessels have legally gained permits to sail as per agreement, we could not help but wonder whether the definition of the Cross-Strait Sea Transport route has become“domestic”. Key investigations include: the types of vessels have been approved in the agreement, the effects of the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement have upon existing industrial structure, and finally the supporting policies of the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement. In order to conclude the differences of gravel transportation after the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement, we first need to identify the differernce between foreign gravel vessels and Taiwan Capital in Direct Cross-Strait Carriage. Then we analyze the policy formulation, policy legitimating, and policy implementation of foreign gravel vessels with Taiwan Capital in Direct Cross-Strait Carriage. Firstly, the “SWOT Matrix” and “Process Approach” areapplied here to analyze the industrial and policy backgrounds of foreign gravel vessels. Secondly, we gain an indepth understanding of the“Taiwan Gravel Import Association” via “Interview”. A qualitative method is chosen to evaluate the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement. The goal of this article is to develop relevant policies to further improve the shipping enviroment and benefit the efficiency of trade.


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