  • 學位論文


Application of mobile software and citizen science on the management of red imported fire ants: A research in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃榮南


世界百大入侵害蟲之一的入侵紅火蟻(Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta) 於臺灣被發現已近15年,因為相關經費逐年縮減以及防治人力不足等原因,至今仍無法將其根除。據此背景,本研究提出以公民科學的方式,透過普及的行動科技技術和網路社群,建立利用手持裝置就能輕易使用的數位學習與通報平台,提供防治資訊並鼓勵民眾參與,運用公眾力量紓緩相關經費與人力短缺的困境。 雖然臺灣的火蟻防治計畫已施行多年,有許多過去相關研究與資源的優勢,但對於推行全民防治時欲招募的公民科學家目標族群,卻沒有太多了解。本研究透過問卷,針對紅火蟻入侵最嚴重的桃園周邊地區,調查參與相關教育宣導工作坊的民眾以及蟲害防治人員。針對兩族群在科技使用習慣、參與動機,以及火蟻防治知識的資訊,分析以行動科技與公民科學家作為臺灣紅火蟻防治解決方案的可行性與入侵紅火蟻即時偵測通報系統(RIFA App)之平台設計相關指標。 研究結果顯示:在科技使用調查項目,近九成受測者具有可以使用RIFA App的硬體設備,且對於該科技平台具有高接受度;參與動機調查結果顯示,無論民眾或防治人員的主要參與動機均屬於內在動機,其中又以解決問題與自我實踐為最主要的動機。本研究也發現,工作坊會增加受測者參與火蟻防治的意願,工作坊後各面向參與動機指數均有提升。知識評量結果則顯示,受測者對火蟻以及蟻巢外觀辨識的相關知識較薄弱,但多半都了解火蟻防治方法以及螫傷處理的手段。此外,兩族群工作坊的學習成效沒有顯著差異,在工作坊後相關知識均顯著提升。


Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA, Solenopsis invicta), one of the 100 world’s worst invasive alien species, was first reported in Taiwan in late 2003. Limited budget and insufficient pest control operator involved in RIFA control are the major constraints of RIFA eradication program in Taiwan. Therefore, this research proposes that citizen science could assist RIFA control in Taiwan by providing an efficient data source, a low-cost way to strengthen the control system, and a new approach to enhance public engagements. Although Taiwan’s RIFA control program has been implemented for many years, there is not much knowledge about the citizen scientists expected to be recruited when promoting public self-control of RIFA. In this study, a questionnaire survey was constructed for pest control operators (PCO) and citizens living around the core infested area in Taiwan. To examine the potential of mobile-based citizen science project in terms of controlling RIFA, the structure of the questionnaire was based on three pillars: 1. digital literacy, which requires the participant’s ability to find, evaluate and create information through mobile platform. 2. motivation, which involves attracting and retaining participants who could contribute their time and effort to the project. Finally, 3. science literacy related to the public’s knowledge of and attitude to RIFA. The result shows that, for the digital literacy pillar, the hardware, technology, and related skills of the RIFA App were well embraced by the participants. For the motivation pillar, the main motivations for both PCO and citizen participants were internal motivations, such as problem-solving, learning, and self-achievement. For the knowledge pillar, although the participants were familiar with RIFA’s control method and first-aid treatments of RIFA sting, the identification of RIFA and its colony were considered difficult for them. These results are expected to provide the bottom-up information to optimize RIFA control and related projects in the future.


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林宗岐。2004。入侵紅火蟻之緊急防治措施。興大農業 51:1-8。
