  • 學位論文


Do Firms Use Asset Sales To Avoid Reporting Losses?

指導教授 : 董水量


本論文運用盈餘分佈法探討公司是否利用處分資產以達規避報導虧損 的目的。研究的樣本取自台灣經濟新報資料庫,取樣期間為1984 年至 2003 年,共有7482 個樣本觀察值。研究結果發現,大致上有55%-58% 的公司從事盈餘管理以規避報導虧損。研究結果進一步發現公司利用處 分資產規避報導虧損。特別是在公司營運虧損的情況下,公司更可能利 用處分資產以達成報導純益的目的。


This study employs an approach to investigate discontinuities in the distributions of earnings and examines whether firms use asset sales to avoid reporting losses. The sample includes 7482 firms-year observations from the Database of Taiwan Economic Journal for the period of 1984-2003.The findings suggest approximately 55%-58% of firms with small pre-managed earnings losses manage earnings to show small positive earnings. The study also finds firms time asset sales to avoid reporting losses. In particular, in condition of reporting operating losses, firms are more likely to boost asset sales to avoid reporting net losses.


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