  • 學位論文


The study of signal transduction of 3-butenenitrile-induced plant defense in Arabidopsis thaliana

指導教授 : 陳賢明


3-butenenitrile (3BN) 是一種腈類化合物,其主要是植物在防禦中產生的次級代謝物硫代葡萄糖苷所水解而成。它可以觸發阿拉伯芥中防禦相關的信號途徑來對抗生物逆境。2.5 mM 3BN處理可使阿拉伯芥Col-0有細胞死亡的狀況,而這個過程應該是藉由一氧化氮所調控。在前人微矩陣資料以及GC-MS的代謝圖譜分析當中可知,在阿拉伯芥Col-0 處理2.5 mM 3BN可誘導植物中的防禦相關基因、單醣代謝相關基因的表現,並改變初級代謝物的含量。其中這些初級代謝物在植物防禦的調控上扮演了相當重要的角色,故也觀察阿拉伯芥在3BN處理後是否提升植物防禦的能力。而在Col-0處理2.0 mM 3BN後,植物中防禦相關的賀爾蒙水楊酸以及茉莉酸含量都有明顯上升的狀況,且沒有細胞死亡的狀況發生。如果進一步對在硝酸還原酶的突變株 (nia1nia2) 去進行2.0 mM 3BN處理,可發現茉莉酸含量相較於Col-0來說上升幅度更為明顯,而在水楊酸含量上升幅度則較小。而在前述實驗的基礎上進行壞死性病原菌 (Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum 以及 Botrytis cinerea) 接種,可發現Col-0處理2.0 mM 3BN後可提升植物對病原菌的抗性,而在nia1nia2中沒有看見抗性上升的狀況。此外,對其接種常見的啃食性昆蟲秋行軍蟲,可發現不論是Col-0或是nia1nia2處理2.0 mM 3BN後,植物對秋行軍蟲的抗性都有所提升。總體而言,上述結果表明,3BN可影響阿拉伯芥中的防禦反應,值得更進一步研究。


3-butenenitrile (3BN) is a type of nitrile and is one of the glucosinolate hydrolysis products which can activate defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana to biotic stresses. A 2.5 mM 3BN treatment can cause cell death in Arabidopsis, which is regulated by nitric oxide. In previous studies, 2.5 mM 3BN treatment induces defense response genes and genes involved in monosaccharide metabolic process in wild type Arabidopsis. Furthermore, the same treatment up-regulated primary metabolites, which are known to be crucial components in modulating plant defense responses. We further investigate the defense response in Arabidopsis upon 3BN treatment. After 2.0 mM 3BN treatment, the amount of defense hormones, jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA), in Arabidopsis were increased, and the treatment did not lead to cell death. In addition, treatment with 2.0 mM 3BN induced the production of JA and SA in the nitrate reductase loss-of-function mutant (nia1nia2), which intrinsically has higher JA content but lower SA content. We also inoculated necrotrophic pathogen on Arabidopsis treated with 2.0 mM 3BN.The treatment improved plant tolerance to the necrotrophic pathogen (Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum and Botrytis cinerea) in Col-0 but not in nia1nia2. Moreover, 2.0 mM 3BN treatment enhanced plant resistance toward chewing insect Spodoptera frugiperda. Overall, these results suggest that 3BN influence plant defense responses in Arabidopsis, which warrants further investigation.


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