  • 學位論文


The Other Child: The Parent-Child Relationship of Siblings of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


在心智障礙者家庭中,每一個家庭成員在不同階段皆會面臨不同的困難與議題,以家庭中的正常手足而言,家有心智障礙者對手足的影響涵括個人、家庭關係與社會層面,父母親與手足的親子關係亦必然遭遇變化與挑戰。然而,目前針對心智障礙家庭所提供的服務仍以障礙者及其主要照顧者為重心,較少重視正常手足的需求,過往研究則多以正常手足的生活適應與手足關係為主,且多以父母親或手足其中一方為研究對象,所蒐集之資料僅限於單方面觀點,較難完整呈現心智障礙者家庭中,正常手足與父母親的親子互動樣貌。 因此,本研究以立意取樣方式,訪談五個心智障礙者家庭之父母親與正常手足,根據五對親子的訪談,回顧親子關係變化的歷程、遭遇的挑戰與契機,嘗試完整呈現心智障礙者家庭中,正常手足與父母親的親子互動歷程,期待本研究之成果能提供社會工作實務人員在家庭支持服務上之建議。 由受訪的五個家庭之親子互動變化歷程可看出,隨著正常手足發展階段的不同,父母親與手足在互動關係上會面臨不同的議題與任務,從兒童階段,父母親將全副心力放在障礙子女身上,手足較為順從、壓抑,到進入青春期,手足累積的壓力爆發,父母親開始正視手足需求並連結相關資源來解決問題,再隨著手足離家到外地求學,父母親及手足皆具備更多能量來修補彼此的關係,而後親子雙方開始必須面對承擔照顧障礙者責任的期待、回應以及未來的不確定性,形成四個階段的變化歷程。此外,本研究發現,家庭系統的黏稠性與界線分化是為心智障礙者家庭中父母親與正常手足在互動關係中必須面臨的挑戰,而積極運用家庭優勢及資源網絡,因應手足發展階段來提供相對應的服務則有助於親子雙方發展良好的關係,本研究亦依此提出社會工作實務方面之建議。


Children with intellectual disabilities will bring different challenges to all of the members of the families. For their siblings, the effects include personal mental health,family relationship and interaction with the society, especially the relationship between parents and siblings. Previous studies were most focused on the life adjustment and the sibling relationships, and collected data from either parents or the siblings. The main purpose of this study is to explore the parent-child relationship and the interaction process between parents and siblings of the children with intellectual disabilities. The study used qualitative research and collected data form in-depth interview of parents and siblings of 5 families. The result indicated that the parent-child relationship of parents and siblings faced different challenges and tasks during different development stage of siblings. During the child stage, parents spent most of their time on taking care of the child with disabilities, siblings tend to be obedient and constrained.As siblings reached their puberty, the emotional changes occurred and their parents had to face the needs of siblings and connected other resources to coping with the problems. Both parents and siblings became able to fix the relationship after siblings grew up, but they had to face the issue of taking care of the members with disabilities. In addition, the diffuse boundaries between parents and siblings could be an important issue. Better access to social resources and the strength perspective contribute to the positive relationship. Social work practice implications were included.


