  • 學位論文


A Study on the Copyright Licensing System in the Internet Era

指導教授 : 蔡明誠


網路時代下著作權授權環境具有資訊傳播快捷、多元、大量的特徵,此特徵可歸因於網路環境中重製資訊、散播資訊、公開傳輸資訊內容都十分方便與容易資訊可以傳播範圍更是不分國界,使用者亦因為此等特徵因而容易觸及跟取得大量、多元的資訊。 然而對於著作權人而言,面對網路普及、速度提升的現況,如無健全且友善的網路授權環境,著作權人並無法當然取得其著作之經濟利益,相對於此,著作權人所面臨的反而是大量的侵權問題,其著作不但可能非出於本意而遭人數位化重製後流通於網路,亦可能流通於網路後著作內容遭刪減、竄改,著作權權利資訊在流通過程中遭到移除、誤植、缺漏等諸多問題,且此等問題更會因為網路傳播的範圍無遠弗屆的特性而加劇。 利用人如欲「合法」取得著作內容、或對取得之著作內容「合法」利用,在著作內容可能在網路環境傳播過程中遭受竄改、刪減、誤植的,或著作內容不全、遭刪改的情況下,無疑增加利用人尋求授權的難度與成本,有礙文化傳播;此外,亦可能造成利用人竭盡尋求授權仍不可得、或誤以為取得授權加以利用造成侵權等諸多問題,在我國現行著作權法除民事責任外也有刑事責任的現況下,如無法解決此等問題,似乎對欲尋求合法利用的利用人過於嚴苛,可若不允許著作權人透過民刑事責任對利用人的利用行為加以訴追,則著作權人如何具體、有效的管理其著作、保障其著作的經濟利益? 藉由上述論點,本文認為一健全、友善的著作權網路授權環境對於著作權人與利用人皆相當重要,故本論文以如何建構此環境為論文核心,並藉由比較法方式,對我國現有與網路授權環境相關制度進行研究。


The information spread is so fast, diversified and numerous in the Internet Era. In this situation, if the copyright licensing environment isn’t good, friendly, and sound, it maybe not good news for copyright owners, or users in the Internet. For the copyright owners, they may face a large of infringement, so they may have to spend lot of time and seek a lot of ways to protect their work avoiding these problems. And in the other side, for the users in the Internet, even they want to use copyright work legally, they may find they can’t be sure who are the true copyright owners of the work that they get, or even can’t find the copyrighter owners easily. So in this paper opinion, if we want to let the copyright owners can earn the real economic revenue which their work can make, or we want to let the users make sure the license which they get from the work legally and efficiently, then how to make a good, friendly and sound copyright licensing environment is important in the Internet Era. As mentioned above, this paper will try to construct a good, friendly, and sound copyright licensing environment in the Internet Era from analyzing the systems that we have, and comparing the measures that other countries construct for solving these problems. This paper wants to discuss from these aspects to submit some of useful advices to make the copyright licensing system better no matter for copyright owners or users in Internet Era.


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