  • 學位論文


Syntheses, Characterizations and Applications of New High Quantum Yield Red/NIR Fluorescent Molecules

指導教授 : 汪根欉


本篇論文分為兩個部分:第一部分為紅-近紅外光螢光分子。第二部分為水溶性雙光子吸收螢光分子。   近年來TADF有機發光二極體迅速發展,其內部量子效率已達100%,但是難以設計具有高螢光量子產率且光色較純的紅光-近紅外光TADF分子。本篇論文開發高螢光量子產率之紅光-近紅外光螢光分子NZDFT、NZDSF及BBTDSF,並結合具有TADF性質的激基複合體 (exciplex) 材料,製作出高內部量子效率之紅光-近紅外光有機發光二極體元件,初步元件外部量子效率分別為6.89%、12.44%及0.99%。   雙光子吸收是分子短時間內吸收兩個光子的非線性吸收過程,而雙光子材料被廣泛應用在螢光顯微術與3D微光雕 (Microfabrication) ,為了提升雙光子吸收截面積並調整雙光子吸放光波長,對於雙光子分子的結構和光學性質的研究是非常重要的。本論文成功開發出水溶性雙光子吸收螢光分子BTDFNCOOH (σ = 188 GM at 780 nm) ,其在水中放光波峰在597 nm (螢光亮子產率<5%) 。


This thesis is composed of two major parts. First part, we introduced fluorene core to synthesize three new high photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield red/NIR fluorescent molecules. Second part, we designed a new water-soluble two-photon absorption (TPA) chromophore.   Over the last few decades, TADF-type organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) is rapidly expanding, and the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) has already reached to 100%. However, it is difficult to design a red/NIR TADF molecule with high PL quantum yield and good light color purity. In this research, we designed three new high PL quantum yield red/NIR fluorescent molecules NZDFT, NZDSF and BBTDSF, and used as dopants dispensed in the TADF exciplex host. The red/NIR emitting devices were obtained external quantum efficiencies (EQE) of 6.89%、12.44% and 0.99%, respectively.   Two-photon absorption (TPA) process is a nonlinear absorption process, which absorbs two photons simultaneously. TPA chromophores have wide applications such as fluorescence microscopy and microfabrication. Therefore, in order to increase molecular TPA cross section and tune the position of the TPA peak wavelength, it is a urgent issue to unveil the structure-property relationship with new TPA molecules. In this research, we designed a new water-soluble TPA molecule BTDFNCOOH (σ = 188 GM at 780 nm) with emission peaked at 597 nm in the water (PLQY<5%).


OLED Red/NIR fluorescent molecules Two-Photon Water-soluble


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