  • 學位論文

海上箱網養殖區之休閒旅遊發展研究— 以恆春鎮海口地區為例

A Study on Development of Leisure Tourism in Sea Cage Culture Zones-- A Case of Haikou Area of Hengchun Township

指導教授 : 雷立芬


本研究針對台灣恆春海口地區的海上箱網養殖產業分析,在原有專業養殖業務之外,開發相關箱網養殖區的海上生態休閒旅遊活動,規劃出一種親水與大自然特殊生態知性休閒旅遊活動的可行性。本研究透過問卷調查,蒐集消費者對於海上箱網養殖是類海上休閒旅遊活動的認知與喜好。針對相關業者做深度訪談,以了解方案執行的意願與看法,最後進行投資計畫可行性分析,實證專業漁業養殖作業以外,開發經營複合式休閒漁場的海上箱網養殖區休閒旅遊活動,是可以將現行養殖漁產業再創造出更多元化的經濟價值。 透過調查問卷及深度訪談資訊的蒐集,發現受訪的消費者中,喜歡參加海洋休閒活動的比率達到51%,加上隱性喜好者的比率,就達到近80%。顯見國人對此類休閒旅遊活動的接受程度頗高,相關養殖業者及旅遊業者對投入本案的開發也都相當看好,政府主管機關也針對該地區的發展有了詳盡的調查與規劃,在相關法令的搭配下,具體的潛在消費需求如何被滿足,就是本研究投資模組的利基存在,經由投資可行性分析模組演算交叉驗證後,得到本研究實證結論: 最佳投資方案之NPV為:新台幣45,632,261,IRR為58.75%回收年限僅:1.48年。海上生態漁場休閒旅遊活動的實際需求存在,建置這樣的多功能海洋生態休閒漁場發展可行且有其必要性,投入此類發展活動的相關業者,預期可以得到正面的經濟價值。建議政府應積極推動該地區的整體開發規劃,調整相關法令規定,積極輔導相關業者了解,激發其意願投入該類海上休閒漁場之經營。如此,除了可讓現行箱網養殖業者保有現有之生產利益外,也能因而有多元收益,讓相關產業更穩定發展,旅遊業者有休閒主題套裝活動可以吸引更多的遊客到訪,同時更讓國人擁有更完善的海洋休閒旅遊活動去處,另一方面也可使我國養殖漁業發展朝向更多樣化,達到促進漁村產業升級的目的。


This research is focus on analysis the sea cage farming industry in Haico area of Hungchun township of Taiwan, except its original professional fishery farming production, looking for the feasibility of a hydrophilic nature of special ecological intellectual leisure and tourism activities. Through the research investigation, to collect the consumer awareness and preferences for sea cage aquaculture marine leisure and tourism activities. Also, by interviews with the government relative authority officers and the local business operators regarding to such area development program to get some opinion and intention。With the results of investing possibility study modules for such plan, research proved that, out of the original cage farming production, to run a duplicated business operation is positive and workable. According to the collected information through by the investigation and depth interviews found that, ratio of people like to attend the sea shore leisure activities is reaching 51%, and if plus the hidden preference part will be almost 80%. Obviously, people pretty much like such kind of leisure program. And the sea cage farming and tourism industry are all highly interested to joint with this development plan. Even the government authority already had very briefly area development plan. How to match the relative management regulation requirements and satisfy the consumer needs will be the major purpose of this research. Being calculated for the possibility of operating of the investment project, the NPV of the best investing module is NTD 45,632,261. , the IRR is 58.75%, and the return paid period just only 1.48 years. Thus, the information proved that, to invest such kind of leisure tourism program has its marketing worth and business operation benefit and the expectation is positive. Therefore, we recommend strongly, the government authority should promote the area whole package development plan and make the management law and regulation properly to match the requirement, in order to let the relative industry have highly intended to joint in such kind of leisure tourism business project. By this, people have their new and good place to go for seashore leisure activities, and the sea cage farming industry can develop their duplicated operation benefit except their original farming income, the tourism and the hotel have more tourist to visit due to the theme tour activities. Thus, the existing aquaculture industry and fisheries could have a more diversified economic value.


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