  • 學位論文


To Explore Construction Letting Strategy of Real Estate Development Companiies

指導教授 : 張陸滿


近年來由於國內經濟發展趨緩,國民平均所得降低,且因建築產業之土地取得不易,亦使得房價隨之居高不下,再加上社會環境快速變遷,建築投資業所推出之專案趨向於大型化、多元化及造型複雜化的發展,所投資金額動輒以數十億元計,耗費之時間、人力與資源相當可觀。在興建過程中,所面對法令及行政程序繁瑣,且參與者極為複雜,往往因為發包策略所作的決定,影響未來工程的成敗,其重要性是不容忽視。爰此,建築工程之生命週期各階段應擬定重點管理工作,提供管理者決策之參考,以降低決策錯誤,確保公司之利益,也藉此避免不必要的社會資源浪費。 因此「發包策略」為建設公司經管管理策略重要的一環,其發包策略主要之目的為選擇適合的承攬廠商來負責工程興建與管理,在合理的成本、適當的工期及較佳的品質下,以尋求整體效益較佳化之工程採購發包模式。 本研究藉由國內外文獻彙整、國內XX建設公司開發個案實例,以探討發包現況與決策的考量因素。並透過實際參與專案人員之問卷調查數據與專家訪談,以佐證目前建築工程之發包現況,獲得業主於發包過程中最重視之關鍵因素。以期能結合各面向之觀點,彙整提出確實可行的發包方式與決策考量因素,以建立較佳之解決方案或分包策略模式供業主參考供業主參考,以做為日後建築工程興建時套用採行。 經由本研究之探討整理後,可歸納出下列幾點結論: 1.發包方式:建設公司一般採用『總包+指定分包制』,業主可直接控管各分包商的水準,其工程品質較高,且時程不受總包商的影響,對發包作業時程較易掌控。無論工期、品質、成本及界面管理等,因適度分包,可降低成本,且屬單一主合約關係,業主可以簡化合約管理與介面整合的工作,並排除各發包方式的缺點。 2.決策主要考量因素有:(1) 專案團隊能力與人力,(2)分包計劃,(3)廠商經驗與能力,(4)報價競爭性,以供業主決策時之參考。 3.分包策略衍生問題的解決方案:專案團隊成員應具有豐富施工經驗,以先瞭解施工過程中可能產生的問題,於規劃設計階段與設計單位慎密檢討修正,以減少發包後問題的產生。另業主的專業能力與人力明顯不足,難以發揮專案工程管理的預期成效,業主應儘速提昇團隊的專業能力或尋找營建管理單位協助,才能符合預期目標。


In recent years, due to the slow domestic economic development, low GDP, difficult construction land acquisition and resulting high house prices, as well as the fast changing social environment, the construction investment industry frequently spend considerable time, human resource, materials and billions of dollars to build large, diversified and complex projects. While there are complicated laws and administrative procedures and extremely complex participants in the construction process, the decisions made by contracting strategies are critically important because they often determine the successfulness of a project. Therefore, focused management measures of each construction stage shall be developed as references for the administrative decision-making, in order to minimize strategic errors, protect company interests and avoid unnecessary waste of social resources. "Contracting strategy" is an important management strategy for the administration of construction companies. The main purpose of contracting strategy is to select appropriate contractors for the construction and management of a project with reasonable costs, adequate construction period and better quality, to seek a construction procurement contracting mode for better overall benefits. The study discusses the current contracting situation and decision-making considerations through the compiling of domestic and foreign literature and actual development cases of domestic construction company. The study also distributed questionnaires to professional participants and conducted expert interviews, to support the contracting situation of current construction projects and to obtain key factors most valued by the property owners in the contracting process. In order to combine views of all aspects, the study compiled and proposed a feasible contracting way and decision-making factors for a better solution or contracting strategy mode as references for the property owners and future construction projects. The conclusions of the study is summerized as follows: 1.Contracting method: the construction companies often conduct the “general contract + designated subcontracts”system, by which the property owners may directly control the quality of each subcontractor, obtain better constructon quality, keep the construction schedule from the influence of general contractor, and better control the entire operation schedule. In respect to the construction period, quality, costs and interface management, such system may lower costs due to proper subcontracting, simplify the contract management and interface integration due to the single-employer contract relationship, and eliminate disadvantages of other contracting methods. 2.Major decision-making considerations: as a reference for property owners, the considerations include (1) capabilities and human resource of the project team, (2) subcontracting plan, (3) experience and capabilities of the contractors, and the (4) competitiveness of the quotation. 3.Solutions for problems derived from subcontracting strategy: the project team members shall have abundant construction experience to foresee possible problems during the construction process, in order to review and revise the construction with the design unit in the planning stage and to minimize problems after subcontracting. On the other hand, since the significant lack of professional capabilities and human resource of the property owner may constrain the expected effectiveness of project management, the property owners shall immediately enhance the professional capabilities of the project team or seek for assistance from construction management units to achieve expected objectives.


9.戴期甦、陳曉晴、郭斯傑,「建築工程機電系統施工界面整合之探討」,建築學報,第61 期,P43-62 頁,2007。


