  • 學位論文


Mobile Marketplace-Making in the Rural Areas: Daily Practices of Itinerant Vending Trucks in Dongshan, Tainan

指導教授 : 康旻杰


忽然出現又快速消失在路邊或廟埕的販車,是居住在鄉村偏遠地區經常見到的特殊景象,他們源自路上的叫賣小販,在當今以駕駛小貨車方式穿梭各個村落,提供居民日常生活所需的一切種種,亦促成短暫的社會生活。本研究在鄉村研究脈絡下,先說明屬於鄉村地區的臺南東山一帶村庄,當前遇到的日常消費困境,接著以市場化和移動性的角度切入,並結合同行(go-along)民族誌與時間地理學的研究方法,試圖了解巡迴販車這個不斷移動的銷售方式。 我將之後的內容分為販售構成、移動實踐兩個部分來討論。第一部分說明了是因為人的行動,加上販售載具、叫賣設備、停留空間等三種技術物的中介,販車才能夠形成並順利運作。第二部分以節奏分析為主要架構,一方面在平面地圖上顯示巡迴路徑的分佈,另一方面加入時間向度的移動節奏浮現了販車間不同的移動狀況,也看見國家政策對行業帶來的影響。最後從這兩部分,我認為巡迴販車可說是形成一種特殊的動態的市場型態,回應了偏遠地區消費空間匱乏的問題,讓不易移動的村民能夠繼續於鄉村中生存。


The vending trucks that pop up, unfold into a makeshift market, and then quickly disappear from the road corners or temple plazas depict a special phenomenon often experienced in Taiwan’s remote rural areas: the itinerant trucks, deriving from the culture of travelling peddlers, fulfill the needs of daily purchases of the countryside, while facilitating immediate social life during their sojourns. This research, grounded on the theories of marketization, mobility, and rural studies, exemplifies the contemporary consumption conundrum of the rural areas of Dongshan, Tainan and engages in the fieldworks of itinerant vending trucks, using the methods of go-along ethnography and time geography, to comprehend the mode of sales constantly on the move. I further divide the analysis into two major parts, the assemblage of vending truck sales and the mobile practices. The former explicates how the vending trucks operate via the actions of the human agents and the mediation of the technological objects including vehicles, facilities of vocal airing, and spaces of selling. The later focuses on the rhythmanalysis of itineration and illustrates the distribution of the itinerant routes on the plane maps; and by augmenting the temporal dimension of the mobile rhythm to the inquiry, it also reveals the variegated situations of mobility and the local impacts under the implementation of national policies in the rural areas. I conclude that the itinerant vending trucks foster a dynamic marketplace making and respond spontaneously to the issues of deficiency of consumption spaces in the remote countryside so that the immobile rural inhabitants may sustain their livelihood when the trucks arrive.


三輪貨車改作流動攤販 警方將續取締(1967年1月22日),《聯合報》,第三版。
公用建築物 應制定規格 黃主席在會報指示 鄉鎮普設收音擴音設備(1963年2月14日),《聯合報》,第二版。
日本総務省行政評価局(2017)《買物弱者対策に関する実態調査 結果報告書》,日本総務省行政評価局。
