  • 學位論文


The Relation Between Scientific Wrongful Evidences and Injustice Cases-Case Study on Long-Chi Chen

指導教授 : 王皇玉


西元1992年,由美國Barry C. Scheck與Peter Neufeld兩位律師於紐約創辦無辜者計畫(The Innocent Project)已成功救援超過300例冤罪,並影響各國接續成立無辜者救援運動或組織,台灣於西元2012年創立的「冤獄平反協會」即是一例。該組織於西元2013年,協助曾犯下乘機性交罪之被告陳龍綺聲請再審,為近年來因DNA證據錯誤而成功平反之案例。又冤罪案件係多種肇因所導致,本文將可能之因素加以整理、羅列,並引述相關案例加作為論述。 DNA自西元1953年由美國生物學家華生(James D. Waston)與英國法蘭西斯.克利克(Francis Crick)共同發現後,不論民事親子關係鑑定、刑事案件等發揮舉證功能外,尚可運用於大型災難、古物真偽鑑定、生物屬種、疾病防治等,在多方面扮演重要角色。此外,因DNA存在於人體細胞核中,故應於何處採集、涉及的法規均為本文論述內容之一。 西元2013年3月26日,對陳龍綺冤罪平反是個重要日子,當年他無故涉入乘機性交罪,歷經三審判決均判決有罪,面對改變人生的不實指控,陳龍綺決定藉冤獄平反協會之力聲請再審,期盼平反冤罪。經內政部刑事警察局採最新技術採23組基因對重新鑑定,得到與陳龍綺之DNA型別不符之結果,並以刑事訴訟法第420條第6款裁定再審,並成功獲判無罪。本文最後以冤罪形成之可能成因作結,期盼冤罪狀況能獲得改善,,並希望得到更多對冤罪平反的努力與關注。


The Innocent Project was held by Barry C. Scheck and Peter Neufeld, who serve as lawyers in the U.S. in 1992. The Project have successfully help over 300 cases to exoneration. By the way, there are also many activities and organizations globally which also work on the rehabilitation of criminal cases, and affected by the Innocent project.Taiwan Association for Innocence began to work in 1992 was the very example which affected by the Innocent Project above. And Taiwan Association for Innocence helped the defendant named Long-Chi Chen to make a retrial claim, which is the rehabilitation case can be attributed to the wrongful DNA evidence. Innocent Cases can be attributed to many factors which can be also explained by cases, so the essay will add cases into each category. DNA was discovered by two scientists, the Ametican biologist named James D. Waston and the Britishman named Francis Crick in 1953. DNA can be applied to many fields such as parental relationship appraisal, criminal proof providing, catastrophy, antiques appraisal, biological species and disease prevention. In addition,we’ll deal with the parts where the DNA are located- the nuclear and some codes concering with DNA collection. It’s the important day to Long-Chi Chen on 26th, March, 2013 for redress. He was convicted for drunk rape, and suffered from three trials with guilty. For changing his life, so he decides to seek fevor to Taiwan Association for Innocence. After the lastest appraisal method (23 DNA pairs), the Taiwan High Court Taichung BranchCourt decided to retrail for the innocent case and give defendant Long-Chi Chen not be guilty any more in the long run. The essay at last with possible causes, we also expect innocent cases can be improved by times, and innocent cases redress can be noticed by more people as possible as we can.


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