  • 學位論文

雲林縣與非雲林縣產地之蔬菜價格差異探討 —以小白菜、蕃薯葉、芹菜、青蔥為例

The investigation of the price differences between the Yunlin County and non-Yunlin County produced vegetables: Using cabbage, sweet potato leaves, celery, and green onions as examples

指導教授 : 張宏浩


雲林縣為全台蔬菜種植面積最大的縣市,其中又以短期葉菜的比例最高,是臺灣重要的短期葉菜生產基地。為瞭解其蔬菜生產特色以及利潤取得的運作方式,本研究將雲林縣產地與非雲林縣產地的蔬菜價格差異分為交易方式、供應單位與交易季節三變數,根據「普通最小平方法」的概念,選取小白菜、蕃藷葉、芹菜與青蔥作為研究對象,並檢視影響價格差異的可能性。 研究結果發現,雲林縣短期葉菜的種植方式,以家戶為主要單位,家庭成員為勞動力的主要來源。商品的運銷範圍主要以台北一市、二市市場為主,對臺北市場形成高度的依賴。透過交易方式、供應單位與交易季節三變數的探討,可知道生產端若要提高蔬菜的價格,應更嚴謹的控制蔬菜生產數量、慎選承銷商對象並評估季節對蔬菜生長的影響高低,即能穩定甚至提高蔬菜的價格。 根據文獻探討與統計分析結果,本研究獲致結論如下: 一、小白菜:建議在第一、二季交易量減少,在第三季時則減少種植量,其特 級與優級之農作物可繳交於農會,以提升其價格。 二、蕃 藷 葉:建議減少種植量亦減少交易量,其特級與優級之農作物可繳交 於青果社,以提升其價格。 三、芹菜 :建議在第二季交易量減少,其他保持目前種植量不需要變動,其 特級與優級之農作物可繳交於青果社,以提升其價格。 四、青蔥 :建議在第一、二季交易量減少,因市場供過於求減少目前種植量, 其特級與優級之農作物可繳交於青果社,以提升其價格。


The Yunlin County has the largest vegetable growing area in Taiwan. In particular, it is the most important short-term leaf vegetable production region. In order to understand the characteristics of vegetable productions as well as the profits obtained, this thesis selects 4 kinds of vegetables, cabbage, sweet potato leaf, celery, and green onion to empirically investigate how 3 interesting variables, trading mode, trading volume, and trading season affect the price differences between the Yunlin County produced and non-Yunlin County produced vegetables. The empirical findings discover that the Yunlin County short-term leaf vegetables are produced in a small scale, that is, agricultural households and family members are major production units. In addition, the Yunlin County short-term leaf vegetables are highly dependent to the Taipei markets. Moreover, it is important to manage growing quantities, select trading agencies, and decide growing seasons to stabilize or even enhance the prices of vegetables. The key findings of this thesis are summarized as followings by types of vegetables: First, cabbage should be reduced its trading volumes in the first and second quarters, reduced growing quantities in the third quarter, and submitted to the Farmers’ Associations to raise the prices if cabbage is categorized in the top or premium grade. Second, sweet potato leaf should be reduced its both trading volumes and growing quantities. The top or premium grade of sweet potato leaf can submit to the Fruit Marketing Cooperative to raise its prices. Third, celery should be reduced its trading volumes in the second quarter and maintained the growing quantities. The top or premium grade of celery can also submit to the Fruit Marketing Cooperative to raise its prices. Lastly, green onion should be reduced its trade volumes in the first and second quarters, reduced the growing quantities since it is over-produced. The top or premium grade of green onion can submit to the Fruit Marketing Cooperative to raise its prices.




