  • 學位論文


On the Principle of Economic Criminal Law and Social Function among the Criminalization of Misuse of Payment Cards

指導教授 : 李茂生


本文題目為:「卡片犯罪立法中的經濟刑法原理與社會機能」,共分為七章,主要乃是探討有關卡片犯罪列入刑法規制的過程,及其背後的入罪化與秩序化的意涵。對於卡片問題的犯罪化,無論在德國或日本還有我國,都作了若干的刑法修正,來規範此從資訊社會以來日趨嚴重的社會問題。而其中核心概念,就正在於卡片的支付系統保護,要如何來看待先於卡片犯罪存在的卡片機能,特別在資訊社會下,因著技術發達與資本主義的需求而誕生,卡片作為傳達一定意思載體而出現,原本乃是透過民事契約的連接發展出一套支付系統機能運作,爾後逐漸成為具有保護必要的制度,進而被提升成為重要的犯罪問題。 在此過程中,卡片所產生的社會機能與經濟系統的秩序需求,同時也隱藏著極大的系統風險,這關連到刑法與現代風險社會特徵,從刑事政策來考量,七O年代之後,影響刑法法益保護機能變化,刑法目的與機能從傳統上犯罪事後處理,轉向事前預防的面向,此諸多變化尤其表現在經濟刑法的立法現象。因此要完整分析卡片的支付系統與其所產生的社會機能與經濟機能,勢必不能忽略掉現代風險社會中對於傳統刑法挑戰,與其所帶來的刑法機能轉變現象。其次則是以經濟系統的秩序保障作為其論理的經濟刑法,也顯現在此卡片的社會機能與刑法規制的論理當中,這些都形塑了卡片犯罪的刑法規制必要性。 然而縱使是經濟刑法,除非認為經濟刑法已經是獨立於刑法系統以外,否則此支付系統的保護,還是必須回歸到刑法最重要的保護機能來作考量。於是在此,值得我們思考的是,除了卡片犯罪的刑法規制必要性以外,支付系統侵害的應罰性,也值得我們思考,亦即從刑法本身論理來看,支付系統是否有值得刑法保護的法益,還有刑法的機能本身最後手段性考量問題,因此勢必要對於卡片所代表的支付系統作更深入的思考不可。 在上述的觀察需求下,本文使用了所謂系統機能考察的方法。一方面從機能來考察刑法的社會與經濟需求,而另一方面則從系統論來作整體刑法系統的觀察,希冀從此來獲致卡片犯罪與刑法規制全貌的理解。本文的見解認為刑法系統基本上是一個自我再製的社會溝通系統,並依照內部整合性觀點與外部機能性觀點與形式化與實質化作為二端,作畫成的二軸所形成象限圖,作為分析基礎,此方法論與基本觀點在第一章敘述。 而從第二章開始,我們從刑事政策與各國刑法法條,探究卡片犯罪立法前,有將卡片定性為文書或有價證券者,在此也獲得刑法規制作用,這與立法論將之獨立定位,並單獨立法規制的考量究竟有何不同。首先從法解釋學與刑事政策來看,貨幣、有價證券與文書在立法與實務的解釋上與卡片間涵攝過程,無法產生一致見解,進而產生本次卡片獨立立法需求。因此從德國開始,日本與台灣都對此問題產生不同解決的路徑,引發更深入探討卡片機能與卡片犯罪的問題,因為除刑法內部與形式化的法解釋學以外,刑法並非自外於社會而獨立存在。 第三章先從法社會學觀點,來看現代社會與刑法機能的變化問題。可以發現從市民安全保障而來的【不安/預防】與【危險/風險】,確實對刑法在現代社會機能帶來影響,且實際上改變了刑法的內在論理。不論從理論或立法現象來看,七O年代之後,刑法規範上大量出現保護前置化(時間的)與普遍法益(質量空間的)的立法,顯示出此刑法保護機能的變化,其中尤以經濟刑法最具代表。 於是在第四章我們探討經濟刑法的系統形成論理以及卡片機能的問題。確實從二次世界大戰後,資本主義快速發展,因著經濟發展而生的社會問題,正是現代經濟犯罪論的濫觴,為維護資本主義的經濟秩序,乃衍生了經濟刑法,來保護基於市場經濟下自由競爭之經濟秩序,進而確保個人的實質平等。卡片所構成的支付系統,正是此經濟秩序不可或缺的一環,而支付系統的保護,也與此經濟秩序的信賴保護有著密不可分關係。 但卡片終究只是一種載體,其上承載的是經濟上溝通的連鎖與繼續而已,而從其機能來看,必須回溯到經濟系統的貨幣機能上,這才是刑法規範的最重要根本。接下來的第五章即探討以貨幣為主的經濟上溝通媒介物之來源,以及刑法對於經濟系統媒介物的機能之保護分析,尤其從刑法偽造罪的探討,了解到其所保護者,是此等媒介物在社會上的信用或信賴及其機能。於是可以說卡片支付系統,本身是資本主義結合資訊時代下的產物,雖具備相當的便利性,卻也同時帶有一定的風險,在此卡片犯罪立法的合理性與界限,簡單來說其實就是一種風險承擔與分配的問題。 誠如在第一章的方法論所揭櫫,本文乃從四個象限來分析此問題,不僅僅侷限在第一象限的法解釋學探討,且必須從刑法與經濟系統之間來找到此機能轉化成刑罰的必要性與應罰性的契機,正是第三象限,作為社會溝通規範的法學面向,而歷經第四象限關於法學對於社會的機能輸出的分析與探討後,最後還是要回歸到刑法原則本身,也就是第二象限從刑事規範的實質內涵與系統內部整合性,來探討法價值論(法益論),即刑法系統機能考察的方法,因此在第六章整合前面五個章節,透過德國學者Luhmann的系統論觀點,經濟系統與法系統各自都是獨立的自我再製系統:經濟系統乃從貨幣支付機能連鎖而成立的自我再製系統,在此貨幣機能的需求下,刑法系統對於其中的媒介物,即貨幣、文書與有價證券保護,重點就在於這些媒介物的社會信用上,卡片亦同,其目的乃是要保持支付的連鎖與自我再製。然而這二個自我再製系統之間的關係,要如何來觀察,在此提出了所謂耦連的概念,亦即不同的自我再製系統,並非自我完結且完全自律與封閉,是從自己的閉鎖性,以其他系統為環境而開放,進而取得解決社會問題的進化,然而不可偏廢的是,其中的系統自我回歸,也就是說當遇到環境的事實變化時,系統還必須透過自我回歸的方式,才能同時自我保存與達成解決問題的機能,本文透過這樣的分析,來檢討卡片犯罪的刑法系統回歸。 因此在第七章歸結到卡片犯罪立法的合理性,進入到卡片在現代社會與經濟秩序下的雙重意涵,所形成的卡片支付系統之應保護性與界限,特別是各國立法的檢討,本文認為從刑法系統的內部整合與實質性的考量,也就是回歸到刑法的價值原則,即法益論與刑法機能上的最後手段性,這才是刑法系統最重要的因素,也符合系統論所謂由封閉性來獲致開放性的論理。由法益論的批判機能出來,對支付系統在經濟系統的本質,來探討其是否能夠成為值得刑法保護的利益,另一方面,從其他替代社會機能來看,探求是否有其他機能系統足以替代刑法規制,由此觀點來看,我國刑法所採取以傳統刑法中既有經濟媒介物,來定位卡片,以刑法固有論理來看,較諸於德國與日本的立法,似要更具合理性。


This seven-chapter dissertation, On the Principle of Economic Criminal Law and Social Function among the Criminalization of Misuse of Payment Cards, aims to explore the criminalizing process of the misuse of payment cards as well as to dig out the true meanings behind such process. To solve the so-called “payment cards crime” and relevant emerging worsening social problems, Taiwan, Japan and Germany have made amendments in corresponding articles of their Criminal laws in recent years. The core conception of these amendments, in a larger sense, derives from the protection of the function of payment cards system. Specifically, to keep up with the development of technologies in this Information Era of modern society and the ever-expanding functions of payment cards, punitive measures of criminal law become urgent and inevitable to protect the civil contract relationship and to prevent high system risks therein. In a larger sense, these criminalization processes and legislations also reflect the changes of the purposes and functions of criminal law. Since 1970’s, the protective function of legal interests in criminal law have gradually emerged and become a supplement to the traditional punitive functions of criminal law. This trend can be observed especially in the phenomena of the legislation of economic criminal law. Take the legislation of payment cards crime for an example. It not only challenged the conventional role of criminal law in this modern risk society, but also protected the order of economic system which stems from the essence of capitalism. On the other hand, the self-limitation feature of traditional theory of criminal law has its role to prevent the legislative protection of payment cards system from going too far. To resolve this dilemma, the author adopted a new methodology, the functional system analysis, which has two origins. One is the system theory of the German sociologist N. Luhmann who regarded law as a whole and and autopoietic (self-productive) system. The other is the theory of functional analysis adopted in criminal law in 1970’ by scholars both in Japan and Germany. In chapter one, the author illustrated his methodology in detail. Since the criminal law can be observed from the social communication system perspective and the autopoiesis system perspective, the author analyzed the payment cards problems in the following four dimensions: of interpretation, of social function, of criminal policy and of idea and value. In chapter two, the author compared and analyzed the criminal policy and interpretation of articles in the criminalization of payment cards crime in Taiwan, Japan, and Germany. The author further confirmed the necessity of the deeper vision of criminal law, which led to the next three chapters. In chapter three, the author firstly analyzed the relationship between the criminal law and the modern society. From the view of legal sociology, the functions of criminal law which were influenced by the theory of modern risk society have been expanded and extended, so has its role been essentially changed from mere punishment to crime-prevention and the protection of individual safety as well as the security of the whole society. However, this change did bring conflicts in criminal law. The most obvious examples are large amount of legislations of economic criminal law which can be found in the aforementioned three nations after 1970’. In chapter four, the author described the system of economic criminal law. After World War II, with the fast development in economics and technology, a lot of economic crimes have dramatically occurred. To maintain the order of economics, which can be generally identified to competitive order of Capitalism, the economic law and criminal law have got their important positions, so did the payment cards get unique roles because the payment system surrounds payment cards has become an inevitable ring of economic environment. In chapter five, the author analyzed the essential function of payment cards. As mentioned in earlier chapters, the systems of law and economics are both regarded as communication systems and the payment cards are functioned as the medium of communication between traders and actors in the society. On the other way, there were several media which have been also protected by criminal law. All of their functions stem from money which is the basic component of economic system under Capitalism. Besides money, documents, securities and even payment cards play their media function role in social communication. In this Information era of modern society, this functional media have become more and more symbolic , complex and convenient, therefore follow the risks as well. So the media function of communication in the society justifies the criminal punishment to the misuse of payment cards. But such kind of functional protection is not unlimited. Since it is criminal law, there are traditional self-limitations in it. These are the original values and ideas of criminal law system. In chapter six, the author made a deeper inquiry of the methodology mentioned in Chapter 1. The system functional analysis is not only for payment cards but also for the entire criminal law, economic criminal law and this modern society. Two independent and autopoietic systems can only communicate with each other by a special way called ‘coupling’. And only through reflection to system self (closed), it can be opened to other system or outer society (i.e. environment) and resolve conflicts and troubles for the whole society. From this viewpoint, the theory of legal interests and the ultima ratio principle are key concepts for criminal law. In chapter seven, we re-analyze the protective necessity of payment cards system. In the view of outer and inner criminal system, integrating the consideration of function and self-identity of system, the author tries to explain the dilemma of criminal law in modern society and provides a better way for criminalization of payment cards.




周 政(2011)。論虛擬兒童色情之刑事規制—對於「國際共識」的觀察與反思〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00442
