  • 學位論文


Strategic Implementation of Taiwanese Traditional Textile Industry: A Case Study

指導教授 : 湯明哲


紡織服飾產業曾是帶領台灣大量創匯之功臣,如今卻被貼上「夕陽產業」之標籤。然而,伴隨著收入與生活水準提高,全球主要消費市場之體育運動風氣日益興盛,亦逐漸帶動一般消費者對於運動休閒服飾品的需求。鑒於近年總體環境、消費型態、政策法規等轉變,企業如何以資源作效率性運用,與時調整策略定位,建構競爭優勢並掌握未來機會,達成永續經營之目標乃此研究欲探討之議題。   本研究為一探索性的研究,採用質性研究法中的個案研究法。以深度訪談的方式,針對供應鏈管理、合作夥伴關係、事件影響與品牌行銷方面問題,蒐集整理個案公司的各種初級與次級相關資料,了解個案公司實際上的考量。研究中透過整體環境與競爭者的概述,針對目前環境之趨勢與競爭壓力對於企業策略定位影響做探討,並藉由競爭者分析觀察可能決定紡織服飾企業最終表現之要素。以交易成本理論與資源基礎理論分析個案對象:如何進行策略布局以及決定企業之疆界,建構、深耕與維持其競爭優勢。 本研究結果針對個案公司經營疆界的決定要素歸納出五種層面:技術、產業特性、彈性需求、利益衝突問題、產品關鍵價值來源。透過垂直整合的方式,可以讓企業接單、採購、發單、生產模式等營運更具效率性、降低風險與交易成本,對於客戶而言,則提高了產品之附加價值。而從資源基礎觀點分析個案公司於總體環境危機之後迅速成長之影響因子,主要可歸因於其能有效運用轉換資源能力,以對外在環境潛在威脅與競爭壓力做好回應與適當之策略定位。其競爭優勢包括:深耕研發技術、一貫化服務、穩健之營運模式、客戶選擇與產品定位。   本研究指出接觸消費者、創造需求,為未來紡織服飾市場之趨勢,欲降低競爭壓力、提高產品溢價與利潤與支持企業永續經營,品牌策略或為台灣紡織業者須思考之方向。然而,其中之考量與利弊,本研究得出以下主要結論與建議:(1)若欲往下游品牌通路市場發展,建議中上游供應商新建立一新的企業來經營,以避免客戶利益與企業內部經營模式差異之衝突。而穩健之營運模式與技術條件為發展下游品牌通路之要件。(2)若欲往上游機能布品牌發展,中小企業缺乏龐大資金來源與後援設備與應變支援,較不建議往上游機能布品牌發展。此外,若欲發展機能布品牌,建議朝尚未有既定領導品牌之利基市場發展,且須與供應鏈各區段夥伴建立某一特定合夥關係。   整體而言,在產品多元化與市場情境急遽變動的時代,具備快速轉換資源能力,掌握競爭優勢者,隨時觀察市場產業環境動態而調整策略定位,即能前瞻性地抓住未來機會,搶占未來市場份額。


Once textile industry brought huge foreign exchange earning to Taiwanese though, it is entitled “Sunset Industry” in Taiwan recently. On the other hand, with the improvement of income and living standard and the prosperity of sport trend, the demand for sport and leisure apparel becomes stronger among athletes and general consumers. In light of radical transformation in macro environment, consumption style, and policy and regulations, the study would like to explore and discuss how corporate could efficiently turn its resources into required capabilities, adjust its strategic position with time, build competitive advantage and preempt future opportunities in order to reach the objective of sustainable development.   The study is an exploratory research, adopting qualitative approach and using case study method. Through an in-depth interview, the study attempts to understand the practical considerations of the corporation regarding strategic decisions and behaviors of supply chain management, cooperative partner relationship, event effect, and brand marketing. On the one hand, by selecting initial and secondary information, the study explores the effect of macro environment trend on corporate strategic positioning; on the other hand, the study discusses the possible determinants of corporate performance through competitors DuPont analysis. In terms of TCE and RBV, the study attempts to observe and analyze how the case company decides their corporate boundary, build and sustain their competitive advantage. And finally, the study provides some thinking directions and suggestions for the strategic action of the textile corporation in the future. The study finds that there are at least five dimensions determine the corporate boundary: technology, industrial feature, demand for flexibility, interest conflict problems, and the key value source of product. Through vertical integration, corporate can make their ordering, purchasing, and manufacturing mode operate more efficiently and reduce risk and transaction cost. And the one-stop service provided through vertical integration can enhance product value for the customers. In the view of RBV, the factors that determine the amazing growth of case company after economic crisis lie in their ability to effectively turn resources to capabilities and to preempt an appropriate strategic position beforehand. By organizing firm-specific capabilities, the case company builds four competitive advantages: in-depth know-how and technology, all-in-one supply service, stable and strong operation mode, and specific customer and product profile. The study points out that connecting to consumers and creating demand will be the future trend of apparel market. In order to eliminate the competitive pressure, Taiwanese textile corporate cannot help but consider brand strategy as one approach which is more likely increase product premium and margin and support the sustainable development of the corporation. Finally, the study has the following outcome and suggestions: (1) In avoid of potential conflict problems with existing customers and within-company operation, it is suggested to build a new individual business to operate the downward brand management. In addition, the stable operation mode and strong technology condition are the necessities for the downward brand development. (2) Since it requires huge capital and sufficient support from updated facilities and business units, SMEs are not suggested to develop branding business. And the corporate is suggested to enter in the niche market where no dominant brand exists if the corporate would like to develop component branding in textile market. In addition, to build a specific mechanism and relationship with partners in the supply chain is critical for the component branding management. Above all, in the era of product diversity and radically changing market, the corporate that possesses effective transferability of organization resource to capability, commands competitive advantages, and dynamically adjust strategic position with external environment can have better chance to preempt future opportunities and to dominate the future market share.


李信宏,2011, 2011年紡織產業回顧與展望,台北: 紡織綜合所 ITIS智網。
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