  • 學位論文


Negotiation Analysis on Public Construction Contract Disputes under the Government Procurement Act

指導教授 : 江炯聰


公共工程為國家發展之基礎,我國履約爭議繁多,已造成許多工程延宕和經濟損失。由於營建工程面臨之風險與變化本來就較其他產業為高,工程爭議並不罕見,重點在於發生後如何盡速使雙方合意解決,以便後續施工。為了加速履約爭議處理,政府採購法主管機關公共工程委員會歷年來推動訴訟外糾紛解決機制。這些程序比諸傳統訴訟,最大的特點即為重視案件當事人之合意,故本文採用Raiffa發展的談判理論,自協同決策觀點搭配三個個案探討,分析現有公共工程履約爭議解決程序之特性,並提出管理意涵。 本文結論主要有:公共工程履約爭議談判中,採購機關與承包廠商關係基礎為工程契約,契約對雙方權利義務之設定,已為關係定調,也可能成為長期紛爭之根源;雙方爭執時,面臨成本高昂的協議外最佳替代方案,必須留在協議之中,衝突無法早期化解;公共工程採購機關受到法規和民意之限制,對於使用協議解決程序態度消極,是談判協議的障礙。由於機關對公共工程有主導權,協助與督促機關以談判協議解決爭議,應作為公共工程履約爭議管理方向之一。


Public construction is the basis of country development; however, numerous contract disputes in Taiwan’s public construction projects have been causing delays and economic losses. Construction industry is rife with disputes due to various risks and high uncertainties; the main question is how to solve them at rise efficiently based on the parties’ consent so that the projects could move on. To accelerate dispute resolution, Public Construction Commission, the authority of government procurement in Taiwan, has been promoting Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADRs) which differ with traditional litigation on the emphasis of parties’ agreement. This article adopts Raiffa’s negotiation theory of collaborative decision making along with three case studies to analyze the characteristics of public construction contract dispute and provide managerial implications. The findings are: (1) the public construction contract between the government and the contractor defines their relationship throughout the project, and its design could become the root of disputes; (2) the parties’ Best Alternatives to Negotiated Agreement are costly, forcing them to stay in the contractual relationship, but also deferring them from solving disputes at early stage; (3) the procurement officer could be passive toward ADRs in fear of provoking law and public criticism, which becomes an obstacle to negotiation. Since the procurement officers and the authorities hold controlling power over public construction projects, to assist and urge them to solve the disputes through negotiation should be one of the managerial objectives.


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