  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Ion Concentration 、Electrical Conductivity of Groundwater and Debris-Flow Occurrence

指導教授 : 范正成教授


本研究之主要目的是在探討地下水離子濃度、電導度與土石流發生之關係。每逢颱風暴雨過境,帶來充沛的雨量,使地下水水位升高,使得邊坡土體結構趨於不穩定,最後導致邊坡之破壞。因此,本研究進行現地土壤採樣及試驗,並設計滲流槽試驗以進行研究。 本研究以基隆八斗子為主要區域,選擇八斗子附近土壤為樣本。將採回之土樣配合因次分析進行滲流箱試驗,探討當土體破壞時,地下水離子濃度及電導度變化,以及評估地下水離子濃度及電導度觀測方式之可行性。結果顯示,當地下水水位上升土體發生崩塌時,So42-及Mg2+離子濃度會隨之上升,而Na+離子會隨崩塌的發生而逐漸變小。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among ion concentration 、 electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater and debris flow occurrence. During typhoon season, very frequently, heavy rainfall resulted in the rise of groundwater table, unstability and the failure of the slope. Accordingly, in this study, the test site was investigated and flumes for seepage flow tests were designed. The site of this study was selected at Ba-Dou-Tze in Keelung. Therefore, the soil samples for the tests were collected from the site. After the soil samples were prepared in the flumes, the seepage flow and slope stability tests were then conducted to investigate the variation of the ion concentration and the electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater while the soil slopes failed. Meanwhile, the feasibility for observing the ion concentration and EC of groundwater was also evaluated. The results showed that while the groundwater table increased before the soil slope failed, the concentration of SO42- and Mg2+ increased, however, the concentration of Na+ decreased.


debris flow ion concentration elec groundwater


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