  • 學位論文


Classification Of Black Holes In KMY Model

指導教授 : 賀培銘


由Kawai、Matsuo及Yokokura所提出的KMY模型藉由計算半古典愛因斯坦方程得到自洽的黑洞演化,並發現此模型中之黑洞並不存在視界面(horizon)。 本論文主要藉由不同初始條件探討KMY模型中所有黑洞類型的可能性,透過數值模擬以及解析表述,我們發現有兩種黑洞類型,一是在KMY模型中已被提出的漸近黑洞類型(asymptotic black hole),另一則是類薄殼黑洞(pseudo thin shell)。若塌縮物質的初始能量密度小於某臨界值,將形成漸近黑洞,反之則形成類薄殼黑洞。


By solving the semi-classical Einstein equation to get a self-consistent evolution process for black holes, the earlier work of Kawai, Matsuo and Yokokura introduced the notion of a black hole where there is no horizon. In this thesis, we use both numerical simulation and analytic expression to probe the possibility of other solutions to the semi-classical Einstein equation. We find that there are two types of solutions corresponding to different initial conditions. Whenever the initial energy density of the collapsing matter is smaller than a critical value, we arrive at an asymptotic black hole. We also derive the analytic expression for the second kind of black hole. They appear when the initial energy density is higher than the critical value, and they will be called pseudo thin shells.


[1] H. Kawai, Y. Matsuo and Y. Yokokura, “A Self-consistent Model of the Black Hole Evaporation,” Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 28, 1350050 (2013) [arXiv:1302.4733 [hep-th]].
[2] H. Kawai and Y. Yokokura, “Phenomenological Description of the Interior of the Schwarzschild Black Hole,” arXiv:1409.5784 [hep-th].
[3] P. M. Ho, “Comment on Self-Consistent Model of Black Hole Formation and Evaporation,” arXiv:1505.02468 [hep-th].
[4] H. Kawai and Y. Yokokura, “Interior of Black Holes and Information Recovery,” arXiv:1509.08472 [hep-th].
[5] P. M. Ho, “The Absence of Horizon in Black-Hole Formation,” arXiv:1510.07157 [hep-th].

