  • 學位論文

關鍵字廣告對自費醫療服務產業的影響 - 以某醫療院所無線電波鼻塞及打鼾手術病患為例

The Impact of Keyword Advertising on the Self-Paid Medical Service Industry - A Case Study on Patients Who Received Radiofrequency Operation on Nasal Obstruction and Snoring

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol Hsu)


「自費醫療服務產業」係為解決醫療院所的財務負擔,以及滿足民眾多元化的醫療需求而興起。而「關鍵字廣告」則是一種具有消費者自主性高、廣告主精確即時的鎖定目標族群、彈性廣告預算且投資報酬率高等三大特性的網路行銷工具,有助於各式組織的順利營運。 故本研究以「某醫療院所無線電波鼻塞及打鼾手術自費看診病患」為研究對象,探討其採行「關鍵字廣告」後,對其產業營運上的影響。本研究目的有四,即 (1) 瞭解個案醫療所的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅。(2) 瞭解個案醫療院所採用的「關鍵字廣告」。(3) 探討個案醫療院所採用「關鍵字廣告」後,對「無線電波鼻塞及打鼾手術自費看診病患」的就診狀況之影響。(4) 依據上述個案醫療院所的研究結果,歸納出「關鍵字廣告」對「自費醫療服務產業」的影響情況,做為「自費醫療服務產業」採用「關鍵字廣告」的決策基準。 本研究結論如下: 1.個案醫療所的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅。(1) 個案醫療院所的優勢,包括:具有公信力與專業競爭力、提供多項自費醫療服務選擇、創新網路溝通平台、善用顧客關係管理系統、提供客製化看診服務;(2) 個案醫療院所的劣勢,包括:人力成本偏高、醫療設備成本偏高;(3) 個案醫療院所的機會,包括:位處自費醫療負擔能力強大的人口密集精華區域、網路行銷盛行,鼠碑宣傳效果強大;(4) 個案醫療院所的威脅,包括:同業競爭劇烈的態勢、不得不努力追趕並及時運用各式新穎的資訊科技。 2.個案醫療院所係於 2007 年在 Yahoo! 奇摩搜尋網站,刊登「關鍵字廣告」。 3.個案醫療院所採用「關鍵字廣告」後,對「無線電波鼻塞及打鼾手術自費看診病患」的就診狀況之影響,包括:(1) 「關鍵字廣告」對自費醫療服務產業「看診次數」有正向影響、(2) 「關鍵字廣告」對自費醫療服務產業「看診費用」有正向影響、(3) 以「打鼾」治療為主要醫治病症、(4) 看診旺季集中於 2-4 月份。 4.本研究建議有三,包括:(1) 選擇適切的「網路行銷」工具,有助於增加自費醫療服務產業的營收、(2) 透過「關鍵字廣告」的運用,有助於自費醫療服務產業辨別淡旺季,而得以妥善分配資源、(3) 強化 2-4 月的廣告量或各式促銷方案。


“The Self-Paid Medical Service Industry” was developed to address the financial burden on hospitals, health care industry as well as to meet the diverse medical care needs from patients and the general public. “Key word advertising”, a popular internet medium with the characteristics of a) high consumer involvement and autonomy, 2) precise and real-time targeting, and 3) flexible budgeting with relatively high ROI, is effective to contribute to the operation efficiency. Therefore, this research is to study a medical institute’s operation effectiveness after adopting “key word advertising” on those self-paid patients who received the nasal congestion and snoring surgery with the radiofrequency. There are four research objectives in this study which include: (1) to identity the case hospital’s SWOT (i.e. strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats); (2) to understand how the “keyword advertising” was applied to the case hospital’s communication to the interested group; (3) to evaluate the medium impact of "keyword advertising" on those self-paid patients who received the nasal congestion and snoring surgery with the radio-frequency treatment; and (4) to summarize the finding from the case study to recommend the criteria and decision basis on how to apply the “key word advertising” to the self-paid medical care service. This summarizes the conclusion of this study in the following: 1. The SWOT analysis of this case hospital was identified as a) the strength includes its credibility, professional competitiveness, variety of self-paid medical service, innovation web platform, effective leverage of CRM and offering of personalized consultation service; b) the weakness includes the increasing cost of labor and medical device; 3) the opportunity includes right location of high traffic business area with sizable population with affordability and interest for self-paid medical service and better impact of web marketing and word of mouth; 4) the threat includes intensive competition and the potential gap of adopting technology innovation timely. 2. The case hospital started to adopt “keyword advertising” at Yahoo! Search since 2007. 3. The media impact of the keyword advertising was evaluated based on a) the frequency of clinical visit, b) the expense from the self-paid patients, c) snoring treatment as the primary reason for visit, and d) the visit period skewed to Feb. March and April. 4. This study recommends three findings as followed: 1) adoption of proper web marketing tool was effective to increase the revenue for self-paid medical service; 2) adopting of “keyword advertising” was effective to differentiate peak vs. off season for better advertising budget allocation; and 3) there was opportunity to increase advertising share of voice during Feb. to April as well as to introduce more promotion package.


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