  • 學位論文


Studies on the Constituents of the Bark of Chamaecypairs formosensis Ma-tsum

指導教授 : 郭悅雄


摘要 紅檜 (Chamaecypais formosensis Matsum) 樹皮分佈於台灣本土的中部及南部 山脈海拔 1000 至 3000 公尺之山區間,常以純種或與台灣扁柏混生•這些數木 的年齡可以達到1500 年,有些甚至到4000 年•它們可以長壽可歸因於與生俱來 的能力如忍受侵蝕及避免細菌在皮部生長• 以甲醇浸泡紅檜皮部得到之萃取物,利用矽膠薄層分析、高效能液相分析儀以 及再結晶方式等方式進行下一步的分離純化,分離到倍半萜類1 個、雙帖類35 個、芳香族類4 個,共40 個化合物•共有6 個新化合物和1 個天然物首次分離 得到的化合物• 這些化合物經測得紅外線光譜、質譜、氫-核磁共振圖譜、碳-核磁共振圖譜後, 搭配二維核磁共振圖譜,並參考相關文獻以確認其結構• 本實驗共鑒定得到40 個化合物,分別為: ㄧ.倍半萜類 (Sesquiterpenoids) 化合物1 個 二.雙萜類 (Diterpenoids) 化合物35 個 三.芳香族類 (Aromatics) 化合物4 個 其中六個為新化合物,一個為天然界首次分離


Abstract Chamaecypais formosensis Matsum. is indigenous in the north and central parts of Taiwan at 1000~3000 meters,often forming pure stands or mixed with Chamaecypairs obtusa var. formosana. This trees can attain 1500 year of age,and sometime it can live about 4000 year old. Their longevity is attributable to the tree’s inherent ability to withstand erosion and prevent the growth of bacteria on its bark. The methanol extract from the bark of Chamaecypairs formosensis Matsum. was concentrated to give residue which was partitioned between ethyl acetate and water. The ethyl acetate layer was separated by column chromatography on silica gel and HPLC afforded forty compounds. Of these compounds, six compound are new and one compound are isolated for the first time from natural sources. The structure of these compounds were elucidated by comparison of their spectral data with related literature values and spectroscopic methods including 1D and 2D NMR. Diterpenoid D1*: 8β,20-Dihydroxyabieta-9(11),13-dien-12-one D8*: (12S)-Hydroxylabda-8(17),13(E)-dien-12,19-dionic acid D12*: 13-Acetyl-8β-hydroxy-16-norabieta-19-oic acid D20*: 12-Oxo-15-hydroxylabda-8(17),13(E)-dien-19-oic acid D22*: Labda-8(17),11(E),13(E)-triene-15,19-dioic acid D26**: 12-Methoxy-7-oxoabieta-8,11,13-trien-20-oic acid Sesquiterpenoid S1*:11-Hydroxydriman-8(12)-en-14-oic acid


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