  • 學位論文

「操之在我」或是「交給政府」? ——兩岸民眾文化和大我認同對政治參與傾向的影響

“In my control” or “In the government’s hands?” The Influence of Culture and Extended-Self Identity on Political Participation in Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 黃光國


國族認同(national identity)是政治心理學研究中的一個熱門主題。本研究將文化及社會心理學中關於「大我」的理論,放在國族認同的具體議題下,將「大我」認同視作國族認同的組成部份,受到文化認同的影響,和文化認同一起對個體的政治行動傾向產生預測作用,建構國家認同影響政治行動傾向的理論模式。同時,研究中還討論了理論模式上的兩岸差異。本研究採用問卷法,研究對象為臺灣民眾153人,大陸民眾144人。結果發現:(1)文化認同對於大我認同有正向預測作用、大我認同對於政治行動傾向有正向預測作用;(2)臺灣民眾的身份認同大我,對臺灣文化認同和集體政治效能之間,起到了完全中介效果;(3)中國大陸民眾的身份認同大我,對中華文化認同和集體政治效能之間,起到了部份中介的效果;中國大陸民眾的身份認同大我,對中華文化認同和外在政治態度之間,起到了完全中介的效果;(4)大陸民眾的集體政治效能,顯著低於臺灣民眾。研究結果支持建構的理論模式。


National identity has been a hot topic in the domain of political psychology. The aim of this paper is to construct the model on how national identity influences an individual’s political participation. In order to construct the model, this study introduces the theory of Extended-Self (or Big-Self, as 大我 in Chinese) into the domain of national identity, taking the Extended-Self identity which is influenced by cultural identity as a part of national identity, and uses the Extended-Self identity and cultural identity to predict the individual’s tendency for political participation. Furthermore, differences between the Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese models are discussed. This study employs the questionnaire method. Participants include 153 Taiwanese and 144 Mainlanders. The results reveal that (1) cultural identity can positively predict Extended-Self identity, while Extended-Self identity can positively predict political participation; (2) Taiwanese Social-Identity Extended-Self has a full-mediation effect for Taiwanese cultural identity and collective political efficacy; (3) Mainland Chinese Social-Identity Extended-Self has a partial-mediation effect for Chinese cultural identity and collective political efficacy, while Mainland Chinese Social-Identity Extended-Self has a full-mediation effect for Chinese cultural identity and external political attitude; (4) collective political efficacy for Mainland Chinese is significantly lower than that for Taiwanese. The results thus support the constructed model.


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