  • 學位論文


Study on the Implementation of Taiwan's Tree Doctor System

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 王俊豪


綜觀全球的現代化都市建設,環境的綠美化皆是必要且不可或缺之重點項目,都市林的營造及維護成果則是一個城市進步與否的重要評估指標。但都市林屬於公共財具有非敵對性(non-rivalness)與不可排他性(non-exclusiveness)而無法發揮市場訂價機制,並導致「搭便車(free-rider)」問題。是以,政府必須介入提供或管理公共財。先進國家對於樹木的保護概由政府立法制定出規範,並建立相關施行制度來執行。 再者,都市環境與山林原野的自然環境大不相同,對樹木生長多具不利之影響。近年來有關都市林維護及健康管理議題普遍受到社會大眾的關注,而都市林樹木的健康管理,有賴專業的「樹醫生」以專業的技術照顧都市林樹木,如歐美、日本、新加坡等國家。在這方面,我國仍有不足之處。因此有必要參考國外經驗,儘速建立我國的樹木保護辦法與樹醫師制度。 本研究從都市林樹木的定義、價值、文化歷史探討並分析都市林樹木維護時常見的問題及解決辦法。並於研究中探討專業的樹醫師角色的必要性,最後研究國內外樹醫師認證機制及實施樹醫師制度所必需考量的各種問題。參考國內外有關樹木健康維護、風險評估、養護管理技術的最新發展,可以發現樹醫生必須據具備多元專業知識,目前國內無主政單位負責規劃及整合,尤其在人才的培育更缺乏整體性規劃。另外,從各國的樹木保護法規及樹醫師認證制度分析,台灣要實施樹醫師制度,必須先確認樹醫生歸屬公務體系或民間人士自行執業,然後才能參考各國經驗,完成立法並且順利推動。


Referring to the development progress of modern cities in the word, it should always be necessary and important to notify the green effort on the overall city environment, as well those efforts on the urban forest operation and management is regard as significant index of city evaluation. Due to the non-rivalness and non-exclusiveness of public goods, it’s not able to price the urban forest by market scheme and lead to serve problem by free-riders. The developed countries made law to regulate forest protection issue and operate it in effective system. Since the difference environment between the urban and suburb area, it would be much difficult for urban forest tree to grow up in the default city morass. During these years the publics have kept track on those issues of urban forest tree maintenance and management, which lead to a more efficient way to protect the objects: relying on professional service by the tree doctors or tree artists. It would be suggested to refer on the foreign experience such as Europe, Japan and Singapore, to setup our own system to protect trees in more efficient way. We have conducted the document research on the definition, value, historical culture of the urban forest tree, and tried to find out the best solution to keep the tree solid and strong. We also would like to introduce the tree doctor system worldwide after discussion on the all Issues around the tree protection. After referring to the topics about tree health maintenance, risk assessment, tree management technology, we tried to identify the execution issue in Taiwan and work out the best roadmap to resolve it. It's important to build up a segregation of duties and effective scheme to certify qualified tree doctor no matter by the governmental or nongovernmental channel. Then push this by law makers to make the scheme more strong and solid.


