  • 學位論文


Negotiating Dementia: Diagnostic Assemblage, Order of Everyday Life and Identity

指導教授 : 吳嘉苓




In Taiwan, dementia has become an important public issue; however, the social history of dementia and the lived experience of people with dementia still need more research. This thesis uses the medicalization framework to analyze: (1) How did the diagnosis of dementia develop in Taiwan? Has the process ever been transformed? (2) What is the lived experience of people with dementia in family? (3) What is the lived experience of people with dementia in the day care for the elderly? What is the care relationship between the people with dementia and the care workers? My research gathered materials through document analysis, participant observation, and interview with twenty family caregivers. I also participated in one day care for the elderly through observing twelve service recipients and interviewing with nine service providers. The result is: (1) The global assemblages of diagnosis guideline and symptom of dementia were manufactured by the different local medical professions. They recognized, negotiated, and accepted the global assemblages in the specific international and local conditions with the internal division of medical profession. The process embedded the knowledge, technology, and politics instead of the discovery of science and medicine. (2) The order of everyday life in dementia care trajectory in family is sustained and managed by the people with dementia and the family caregivers through using many kinds of invisible work, and it interacts with the impact of medicine and the social conditions. The identity of people with dementia is continually negotiated between the normal and abnormal, patient and whole person. This process varies with the interaction with others and dependents on different situations. (3) The people with dementia use invisible work to employ their agency in the day care for the elderly. The care workers develop different emotional care practices based on different identities of people with dementia. The care relationships reveal the influence of the function shifting of day care for the elderly, the concepts of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and the multiple care theories. The contributions of this research challenge the stereotype of people with dementia who are regarded as victims and need to depend on other people. In contrast, the people with dementia may actively participant in maintaining, creating, and negotiating their lived experience in everyday life. The theoretical implications of this research revise the theory of medicalization, making this theory to pay more attention to the cross-culture and historical context, the inconsistency of multi-dimensional definition, and the interaction between medicine and other social conditions at the everyday life level.


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