  • 學位論文


The Effect of Age and Prosody on Syllable-final Nasal Mergers in Taiwan Mandarin Spontaneous Speech

指導教授 : 馮怡蓁


本研究旨在探討臺灣華語中鼻韻尾合流的表現。過去數十年來之研究已確立鼻音韻尾合流存在地域差異,但關於這些合流現象的起源仍未有定論。因此,本研究納入不同世代的發音人來更深入探討此一起源議題。另外,透過自然語料,韻律因素的影響也得以受檢視。本研究共有三十二位男女發音人,年齡層分佈在兩個不同的世代,皆出生於台北或高雄,每位發音人提供約30分鐘長的談話。探討的變因有五項,其中包含三個社會變因──性別、年齡、地區──以及兩個語言韻律變因──語句重音、韻律邊界。結果顯示,北部的年輕人最常使用 /in/ → [i?],而南部人大量使用 /i?/ → [in],尤其是南部老年女性,兩條 /i/ 母音後的鼻韻尾合流律之間具有相互競爭的傾向;所有不同社會條件的發音人皆廣泛使用 /ə?/ → [ən]。至於語言韻律變因,韻律邊界對於三條合流律皆有整體強化效果,而語句重音的效果則較為複雜:它對所有社會條件的 /in/ → [i?] 都有強化效果,對年輕人的 /i?/ → [in] 也有強化效果,對於年輕人的 /ə?/ → [ən] 則有抑制的趨勢。本研究結果可進一步推論出這三條合流律處於不同的地位:/in/ → [i?] 是出於臺北的創新,其競爭者 /i?/ → [in] 則是源於閩語的負遷移。/ə?/ → [ən] 的起源仍無法確定,但也許是因為它未受其他合流律競爭壓迫,故而使用最為廣泛普遍。韻律邊界對所有合流律都有強化效果,語句重音的效應則可能與合流律發展程度、合流律的社會意涵以及鼻音的有標程度相關。


The present study investigated the performance of syllable-final nasal mergers in Taiwan Mandarin. After decades of research, past studies on this topic have identified regional difference in the application of the mergers, but their origins are still under debate. In this study, generational difference was examined in order to explore such an issue into a deeper core. With the usage of spontaneous speech, the effect of prosodic factors was also under examination. Thirty-two speakers of both genders, of two generations, and from two regions, Taipei and Kaohsiung, were recruited and each speaker contributed around 30-minute-long speech data. Effects of five factors were observed, including three social factors—gender, age and region—and two linguistic factors—prosodic promenince, and prosodic boundary. Results showed that the /in/ → [i?] merger was led by the young northerners, whereas the /i?/ → [in] merger was dominated by the southerners, especially the old southern females. The two post-/i/ nasal mergers were generally in competition with each other. On the other hand, the /ə?/ → [ən] merger was widely applied by speakers of all different social factors. As for the effects of linguistic factors, prosodic boundary had an overall strengthening effect for all the three mergers, while prosodic promenince had a more complicated effect: an overall strengthening effect for the /in/ → [i?] merger of all social groups, and for the /i?/ → [in] merger of the young groups, and a restraining trend for the /ə?/ → [ən] merger of the young groups. Our results further implicated the different status of the three mergers: the /in/ → [i?] merger was an innovation of Taipei origin, while its competitor, the /i?/ → [in] merger, was a negative Min transfer. The origin of the /ə?/ → [ən] merger was still unclear, but perhaps its lack of competition made it become the most frequently used merger. Although prosodic boundary presented an overall enhancement on all the mergers, the effect of prosodic promenince seemed to interact with rule progression, rule connotation and markedness of nasals.


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